Chairman Bro. E. King

Vice Chair Bro.W. Ware

Secretary Bro. S. Cheal

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun March 11th 1962

Bro. E. King was in the Chair

12 Members present 

 Bros. E. King, C. Wickenden, C. Evans, W. Ware, M. Giles, D. Renville, V. Harris, 

G. Hilton, F. Goff, R. Guy, V. Morris & S. Cheal.

Minutes were read by the Secretary Bro. S. Cheal, moved by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That the Chairman sign the minutes as true record. Carried.

Questions on minutes The Chairman displayed the copy of the “Lighted Flame” which would be presented to Newhaven Public Library which was signed by all present members of the E.C.

The secretary suggested the following also from Members and Committee of Newhaven Branch of the A.S.L.E.F. the Chairman and Secretary signed over the Branch Stamp. The Secretary suggested the following also be entered, presented to Newhaven Public Library from members and committee of Newhaven Branch of the A.S.L.E.F. The Chairman & Secretary signed over the branch stamp.

Bro. M. Giles asked about being trained for the electric loco and answered by the Secretary.


Receipt 1962 A.A.D. election, it was noted the result for Group 53, Bro. S. Cheal 354 Elected, Bro. W. Hutchings Horsham 67, Bro. P. Willshaw 203.

International Transport Workers Federation

It was noted this Branch was unable to support our own candidate as voting paper had to be in by 22nd January, 1962.

Second ballot election of General Secretary, moved by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. That this Branch vote for Bro. A. Clifford.

New Members

Moved by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro, E. King. New members Victor Sexton, Terence S. Walton & Andrew Hindry, 

L.D.C. Report

A full report was given on the last L.D.C. meeting it being noted that "Failed To Agree" was the minute Newhaven Firemen on Loan to other Depots.

It was explained why the First Roster submitted by the Management was not accepted and also why the Second Roster submitted by the Management was not posted.

The L.D.C. Secretary Bro. S. Cheal explained why he had telephoned Bro. Clanning in trying to find out about Clauses 22 to 26. Bro. Clanning had advised that a Material Change would take place at Newhaven and it was agreed that the Staff-side L.D.C. advise the Management.

The meeting agreed that if the plan suggest by the Representatives namely link of 20 could be obtained and also if agreement could be reached with Sectional Council members present this should be done.

December Quarter Returns. The Chairman assured all present that the receipt for December Quarter 1961 was all in order and all present were given an opportunity ask questions. The Secretary explained the two 'NONS" and hoped members would contact them. The meeting endorsed the action taken over Fireman V.J. Preece.

1962 A.A.D.

It was moved by Bro. W. Ware and seconded by Bro. V, Harris. That the following amendment be submitted to item No. 66 - Issue of electric torches to drivers of M.U. stock, add after the word stock on second line to replace the antiquated paraffin hand lamps, such torches to have a red shade attachment.

District Council report

Bro. S. Cheal informed the meeting he had been honoured as Newhaven delegate by being elected as Chairman No.4 District Council. 

The subjects dealt with being 42 hour week, 3% award, young person act, free passes over 65, membership Ireland, London Allowance, macks light weight, Form 1s, M.O.T.s, Norwood Jct Branch Secretary and their funds & running by signals when piloting.

Any other Business

Bro. V. Harris asked that the L.D.C. Secretary take up the matter with the running foreman re J. Nash being booked 4.15 p.m. on Monday S.E.M. It was agreed the Secretary also deal with the H.S.R. and matters relating to drivers being incorrectly booked. 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun April 8th 1962

Bro. E. King in the Chair

12 Members present 

 Bros. E. King, C. Wickenden, W. Folwell, V. Morris, W. Ware, R. Guy, R. Terrill, 

J. White, M. Giles, W. Mullett, G. Hilton & S. Cheal.

Minutes were read by the Secretary Bro. S. Cheal, moved by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. W. Folwell. That the Chairman sign the minutes as a true record. Carried.

Question on minutes, the Secretary quoted from letter book copies of correspondence he written and also read the Branch report which had been forwarded for the May issue of the Journal.


Letter of thanks to members and committee of Newhaven Branch, from the County Librarian Newhaven Public Library, for copy of ‘The Lighted Flame

March quarter returns, members in arrears were quotes. Questions were asked and replied to, to the satisfaction of all concerned.

L.D.C. Report

A detailed report was given of the meeting held at Essex House yesterday 7th April 1962:- deletion Clauses 22-26 of the P.T. & R.A.

The 2 Electrical (EMUT) turns to go to Seaford. 4 Drivers, Brothers C. Wickenden, W. Mullet, W. Lipscombe & S. Cheal will be transferred to Seaford on 30th April 1962.

The importance related in the fact that many small Depots (EMUT) would go up to Depots with 11 turns of duty, starting trains the crews would travel by STOCK/STAFF trains.

It was now clear that the Seaford L.D.C. Representatives had acted not only in their own interests, but in the interests of future Drivers who would be submitting Seaford as their first preference and application was expressed all agreed that our own Newhaven Representatives had also contributed considerably their negotiating methods and it was appreciated that these now going to Seaford had lost about £75 in hard cash, by not demanding their seniority position, although this had contributed considerably to them now going to Seaford.

This meeting was mainly caused by this subject matter and the 42 HOUR WEEK ROSTER.

Bro. S. Cheal explained that the L.D.C. had to come back to the Branch, as it was not now possible to work one Link of twenty. The short unofficial meeting with Mr. Lelew Shed Master at Essex House, Bros. E.A. King and S. Cheal made it clear we were prepared to assist the Running Foreman in compiling a Roster on the understanding it would not be an agreement.

It was appreciated that Newhaven were the only L.D.C. on the Central Section who requested Sectional Council No.2 Representation and Wednesday 18th April 1962 at 10.30 a.m. at Brighton was agreed by Staff-Side S.C. No.2 and Mr. Ryan Motive Power Superintendent.

The meeting could see that a great effort was being made by their Representatives and agreed to let the L.D.C. Negotiate on No. 1 Link 16 turns with a R.D.R. for the bottom men, with 1 1/2 H.S.R. turns.

The meeting on the Young Persons Act was fully dealt with.

It was agreed a new L.D.C. Secretary would have to be found as Bro. S. Cheal would be going to Seaford on 30th April 1962.

The last item caused through the time factor was Any Other Business.

Any Other Business

Moved by Bro. W. Mullett and Seconded by Bro. M. Giles, "That the Secretary write to the Seaford Branch Chairman and Secretary suggesting that the two Branches should amalgamate." Carried.

Moved by Bro. V. Morris and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. 'That the secretary visit Bro. E. Hilman to advise and assist our member and write to Head Office as necessary. Carried.

Moved by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. V. Morris. 'That the Secretary write to the Editor of the Locomotive Journal for explanation as to by a paragraph appeared in the stop-press of the Evening News. Carried.

The meeting called for Sunday 6th May 1962 could not be held as only 

Bros. C. Wickenden, G. Hilton & S. Cheal were present


  Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Feb. 26th 1962

12 Members present 

Bros W. Ware, C. Wickenden, V. Harris, N. Folwell, W. Folwell, F. Goff, G. Hilton, 

J. Knott, C. Evans, F. Bartholomew, V. Harris & S. Cheal.

Quartely returns and new members.

Members in arrears were quoted with the one 'NON'. Moved by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. V. Harris 'That the Branch Secretary write to D. Creasey asking him to pay up his areas as his name has been crossed from the quarterly return sheets.' Carried.

New members Robert John Capon & Roger Guy, proposed by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden.

LDC Report

The latest corrospendence was read including the directive of the last Branch regarding Firemen. It was agreed that the reply was not completely satisfactory and that an item regarding Fireman be submitted also :- credit & payment, complaint re :- motormen covering Seaford duties instead of Newhaven Dual Link drivers.

Rest Day Working 1961. This Item was discussed at length and it was agreed that our representatives should negotiate for a 100% working of Rest Days for those who volunteered or no rest day working.

There were differences of opinion but it was agreed our LDC Representatives would have to be left to negotiate on the lines indicated.

Any other business. Bro. F. Bartholomew raised the question of Bro. R. Terrill being allowed a set 4:45 a.m. diesel turn of duty. The position was explained by the LDC Representatives, as Bro. Terrill was due to go into Hospital on 18th March 1961.


JUNE 1962


PAGE 140

Our March meeting was well attended, but there is still room for improvement.

This branch very much appreciates the assistance given by Sectional Council Representatives, especially after learning that Bro. Saunders attended a meeting although still on the sick list. Likewise, our Branch Chairman, Bro. E.A. King, obtained doctors’ permission in order to preside over one of our Branch meetings.

We are not proud of the fact that we have two “nons”. Will all members keep these two continually reminded. To those who have paid their full 1962 contributions in advance, many thanks.

Appreciation has been expressed by the Chief Librarian of the Newhaven Public Library for the copy of The Lighted Flame.

S.F.G. Cheal,

Branch Secretary.


Meeting held on Sunday 15th July 1962

At the Labour Club Newhaven

Bro. E. King in the Chair

5 Members present

Bros. E. King, C. Wickenden, V. Harris, G. Hilton, & S. Cheal.

The Secretary read the minutes, moved by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That the Chairman sign the minutes. Carried

Matters arising from the minutes

Moved by Bro. G. Hilton and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden. That the sum of £1/15/9 for service to the Secretary’s type writer be paid from Branch funds. Carried.

The Secretary read copies of correspondence he had written to Seaford Branch Chairman and Branch Secretary for which no reply has been received.

Moved by Bro. S. Cheal, and Seconded by Bro. V. Harris: - That after the matter had been raised at District Council Meeting tomorrow, 16th July 1962. The Secretary submits all the subject matter to Head Office to be placed before the E.C. Carried.

The Secretary raised the subject of contributions being loaned from the Branch Fund to pay Bro. E. Hillman’s contributions. It was agreed that as Bro. E. Hillman had not made any request the matter be not entertained.


Voting papers Labour Party Conference closing date 2nd July, 1962 and E.C. Member District No.8 closing date 4th July 1962. Regrets were expressed that this Branch could not record a vote although a meeting was called for 6th May, 1962.

Circulars were dealt with for candidates for the position of Organising Secretary, but voting paper not received to date. Moved by Bro. V. Harris and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal. That in the event of another meeting being held, this Branch supports Bro. Pinches, further, that in the event of any further election this Branch support, such candidate as the Committee shall support, but the Chairman and Secretary not sign such voting until this has been done. Carried.

March & June quarter returns were presented to the meeting, Chairman informing members all in order. All Nons and arrears were quoted.

Newhaven Branch Fund

As per rule 36 £3/1/3 for 1961, moved by Bro. V. Morris and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden. That when a member takes over to become L.D.C. Secretary, the Secretary purchase a suit case to transfer all L.D.C. correspondence in Carried.

1962 A.A.D. Report

Bro. S. Cheal gave report on the 1962 A.A.D. which was of interest to all present but again time was against the meeting, although in the 45 minutes a good idea of the conference spirit was conveyed. It was agreed that Bro. S. Cheal would be able to gov further details at the next meeting.


 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun October 28th 1962

Bro. E. King in the Chair

3 Members present 

Bros. E. King, D. Renville & S. Cheal

The September Quarterly were examined and the rent if 7/6 for booking paid.

Apologies received from Bro. C. Wickenden.

It was agreed the secretary write to all committee members informing them of the Nons and 

those “lapsed”.

The room was booked for the next meeting 4th November. 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Nov. 4th 1962

Bro. R. Turner in the Chair

7 Members present 

 Bros. C. Wickenden, F. Goff, G. Hilton, M. Giles, R. Turner, V. Harris & S. Cheal.

Minutes of previous meeting, moved by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That Chairman sign the minutes as a correct record. Carried.

Questions on minutes

The subject of amalgamation with Seaford Branch was discussed and head Office Correspondence dated 11th September and 11th October was read. It was also quoted that the rumours being quoted at Seaford that this Branch wished to closed Seaford Branch was not true. It was noted Bro. W. Lipscombe had joined Seaford branch.

Arising from the failure to be able to hold a meeting last Sunday 28th October, moved by Bro. G. Hilton and seconded by Bro. S. Cheal. That our next meeting held on a Monday at 7.0 p.m.


Election of an Organising Secretary, moved by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That this Branch vote for Bro. D. Pullen. Carried.

1963 A.A.D., moved by Bro. F. Goff and seconded by Bro. G. Hilton. That the action taken on Sunday 28th be endorsed in supporting Bro. S. Cheal for the 1963 A.A.D. Carried.

The September Quarter Returns, this subject matter was discussed at great length. Correspondence to and from Head Office was quoted which Chairman and Secretary had written.

It was agreed that the "NONS" at Newhaven were not of a type which would do credit to any trade union and the Secretary of both Newhaven Branches (N.U.R. & A.S.L.E.F.) would insure they remained out until their full arrears were paid. 

It was further agreed the Secretary should raise the matter at No.4 District Council.

LDC Business Bro. F. Goff said he was quite prepared to stand for the L.D.C. but would not be Secretary. Bro. R. Turner also agreed to stand for L.D.C. but he too did not wish to be Secretary. It was agreed that Bro. J. Nash would again be approach to be L.D.C. Secretary.

Any Other Business

Moved by Bro. R. Turner and seconded by Bro. Goff. That the Secretary write to Bro. J. Nash expressing this Branches sympathy at the loss of his father.


Minutes of the Newhaven Annual General Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Monday Dec. 17th 1962

was cancelled, apologies from Bro. R. Farley, only 2 Members present  Bros. G. Hilton & S. Cheal.

Minutes of the Newhaven Annual General Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Dec. 23rd 1962

5 Members present 

 Bros. E. King, C. Wickenden, G. Hilton, W. Ware, R. Turner, R. Morris & S. Cheal. 

The Secretary read the minutes, moved by Bro. C. Wickenden and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. That the Chairman sign the minutes as a true record.


Voting for T.U.C., moved by Bro. Ware and seconded by Bro. C. Wickenden. That this branch supports Bro. Beecher of Leatherhead. Carried

Voting for A.A.D., moved by Bro. V. Morris and seconded by Bro. W. Ware. That this Branch support Bro. S. Cheal our Secretary. Carried.

Election of Branch Officers 1963.

Newhaven Branch Fund

Bo. G. Hilton had been handed the ledger, but as he was unable to be present, the balance sheet could not be present, but the Secretary had the cash with him which amounted to £2-1-11.

The Quarter Returns were gone through and the Chairman Bro E. King assured all that everything was in order.

New member William Barnett, it was agreed Bro. Barnett be accepted. F. Bartholomew, those present felt that this Branch Ruling that all arrears must be paid still stands.

Bros. C. Wickenden & W. Mullett wishes to transferred to Seaford Branch. The Chairman signed the Forms.

L.D.C. Representatives Newhaven & Seaford, the Secretary explained the Chairman of Seaford Branch had ruled that Bros. C. Wickenden & S. Cheal could not stand for Seaford L.D.C.

Bro. E. King explained he would have to stand down as he had done for Branch Chairman owing to ill health.

The Secretary explained how serious this matter was, but no one present was prepared to be L.D.C. Secretary.

Items for 1963 A.A.D.

A discussion arose relating to suggestions by Secretary and arising from this it was moved by Bro. S. Cheal and seconded by Bro. E. King. That the following items be submitted to the 1963 A.A.D.

1, That this 1963 A.A.D. direct the E.C. to negotiate with the Electoral Reform Society for the purpose of allowing all voting papers to be counted by an independent body, thus avoiding the possibility of this Society being involved in any court action, such as that experienced with the E.T.U. and which will further allow this Society’s system of vote counting to be the same as the N.U.M., N.U.R. and other trade unions.

2, That this 1963 A.A.D. instructs the E.C. to form a special investigating committee comprising of six elected representatives (one from each region) to submit recommendations to the 1964 A.A.D., with a view to make our Society a more efficient trade union. Any member with 10 years continuous membership (except permanent officers and E.C. members) to be eligible for nominations.

3, That all Organising Secretaries be directed to visit each Branch in their area at least once each year, and submit a report of all such meetings to the General Secretary.

4, Rule 15. The number of delegates to all future A.A.D.s be reduced to 30.

5, Rule 35. That all branches with less than 20 members shall be closed by the E.C. and transferred to the most convenient Branch.

6, That his 1963 A.A.D. direct the E.C. to take all necessary action to insure that all rest day working is controlled by our E.C.

District Council report

Bro. S. Cheal dealt with all the points raised by Bros. Cleaver and C. J. Poole, the E.C. member, also giving a detail report on the matter dealing with this suggestion that Newhaven and Seaford Branches should amalgamate. moved by Bro. Ware and seconded by Bro. V. Morris. 'That a letter signed by our Chairman and Secretary your concern at the suggestion that District Council Delegate should attend No.4 District Council alternately.

A vote of thanks to Bro. S. Cheal for his work at this Branch and No.4 District Council. Was moved by Bro. E. King and seconded by Bro. W. Ware.

It was agreed if necessary the folowing issues should raised by our delegate at the next Dstrict Council.

Tonbridge Drivers & Firemen, unloading mails on their rest days, Eastbourne Firemen booked cleaning on Sundays, Horsham men working 8 hours as Driver and 8 hours as Secondman.


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