Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Branch A.G.M. Meeting
Sunday January 16th 1977 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Branch Chairman opened the meeting, by extending a warm welcome to Bro N. Milligan, organising Secretary, who had come to discuss the possibility of members being unavailable to form a branch at Tunbridge Wells for 1977.
The Branch secretary read the minutes of the last meeting of the 19th September ’76, and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. R. Harper. “That they were a true record.”
The minutes of the 2 Special Branch Meetings of the 3rd and 6th October ’76 were then read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved Bro. A. young and seconded Bro. B. Baldock, and moved by Bro. T. Allen and seconded Bro. F. Diplock. “That the minutes of these two special branch meeting were a true record.”
Matters arising from the three meetings.
The branch secretary read the correspondence and replies to and from all concern on what had taken place over the dispute between management and the branch on the loss of excessive Sunday duties at the depot.
This was given a very full discussion by the members, many questions were asked on the subject, and request for the up to date position were asked for by the members.
The Branch Chairman and Secretary gave their report on this but were unable to answer off questions due to there being no other replies, or very limited information in the replies that were received from Head Office and that perhaps the Organising Secretary could answer these on completion of Branch business.
Correspondence and circulars as from the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and discussed by the members present.
The voting paper for 1 delegate to the Trades Union Congress ’77 was read through. But as the branch had received no information on the candidates standing for this position, it was felt by the members that a vote could not be given on this item.
All other items were accepted and placed in the Branch file.
L.D.C. Nominations
Due to there being insufficient members at he December meeting for a meeting to be held, nominations for the vacant L.D.C. position could not be called for prior to the 1st January ’77, but request for nominations for this still vacant position were then asked for.
It was proposed Bro. P. Musselwhite and seconded Bro. B. Baldock that Bro. A. young be nominated for this position and there being no other persons nominated, Bro. A. young accepted to stand for this and was given a unanimous vote by all members present to be the official L.D.C. representative to take up this vacant position.
The Branch Chairman, Bro. A. Brooker asked Bro. Milligan if he would accept an invitation from the branch to give his points of view on the issues raised throughout the meeting and answer if possible questions from the members.
Bro. Milligan accepted this invitation and informed the meating that he was pleased to visit Tunbridge Wells Branch and thanked the members for there welcome, especially as the circumstance of his visit related to the future existence of the branch.
Bro. Milligan opened by apologising to the members at being thrown in at the deep end at this meeting. He informed them that he had come to discuss the unavailability of members to form a branch for 1977, and he had no knowledge of the dispute which had led up to the possibility of this. He assured them that he had not been advised of or requested by Head office to look into this dispute and therefore was not in a position to answer questions as to what had taken place.
He explained what would happen if the members failed to elect Branch Officers to keep the Branch open, and how difficult it would be to re-open a Branch once it closed.
He requested the members to adjourn rather than close this meeting so to allow him to make notes of the Branch Secretary’s correspondence so that he could take the matter up direct with the General Secretary as to what had gone wrong at Head Office and he, himself would arrange to discuss the matter with Sectional Council ‘B’, with the view of the Branch being advised on both accounts of the position, which he helped would lead to fresh consideration being given to forming a branch at Tunbridge Wells for 1977.
This request was unanimously accepted and the meeting was adjourned at 13.20.
I have on 16th January 1977 read these beautifully written and well kept minutes, which are historically of great interest to the Society and the Trade Union movement.
Over the years these minutes indicate an efficient , dedicated and well run branch carrying out its function procedurally and constitutionally
Neil Milligan
Organising Secretary.
Tunbridge Wells Branch the Adjourned A.G.M. Meeting
Sunday March 20th 1977 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman welcomed to Bro N. Milligan, organising Secretary, on his return visit to the Branch to give his assistance (if required) to elect members form a branch for 1977
The Branch secretary read the minutes of the last meeting of the adjourned meeting of 16th January ’77, together with letters received from the General secretary and Organising Secretary in reply to his assistance that the matters that had led to the possible unavailability of members to form a branch for 1977 would be throughly looked into by both himself and General Secretary with a full explanatory sent to the branch.
The contents of these letters was given a very full discussion by the members and Mr. Milligan was asked if there was anything he could add to these replies. He explained there was nothing further he could say, and give fresh consideration at this meeting, to forming a Branch for 1977.
Further discussion was given to this and it was unanimously agreed that in the light of the assurances within the General Secretary’s letter, the Branch accepted the explanation given.
Circulars and correspondence was read by the Branch Secretary and from this a unanimously vote was given to the Eastleigh delegate for the labour Party Conference 1977, all other correspondence was accepted and put on Branch file.
Branch officers
The Chairman informed the members that with the acceptance of Head office explanation the next business of the meeting would be the election of the Branch officers of 1977 and called for nominations for these positions.
Branch Chairman A. Brooker,
Vice Chairman B. Baldock,
Secretary M. Allen,
Asst. Sec W. Baldwin.
Bros. F. Diplock, A. Young, R. Brown & A. Dougherty
District Council Delegates
Bros. A. Brooker (1) & M. Allen (2).
It was unanimously agreed that Bros. A. Brooker and R. Bridger remain Branch Trade council Delegates. That Bro. K. Savage remain Branch Trustee and Bro. W. Baldwin remain L.D.C. Scrutineer.
L.D.C. Report
The L.D.C. secretary, Bro. A. Brooker gave his report on matters that were being progressed by the L.D.C. at this time and brought to the attention of the members 2 items which required discussion at this meeting.
L.D.C. Report
The L.D.C. secretary, Bro. A. Brooker gave his report on matters that were being progressed by the L.D.C. at this time and brought to the attention of the members 2 items which required discussion at this meeting.
(1) Extra Sunday Booking
Due to the loss of Sunday duties at the depot the position of booking men strikly down the line of men due to work an extra Sunday duty (as per the L.D.C. minute) had become impossible to work and this had to be brought to the attention of the members for discussion.
It was agreed by the members that for a man to work a late extra Sunday duty without a clear 12 hours off before the commencement of his Monday duty could only be achieved by allowing the list clerk the right to move a man forward of his late early turn to accommodate the extra Sunday duty driver.
This was given a full discussion, and agreed that to allow this would take away the right of any driver to be able to make prior arrangements within his social life on what is his rostered booking on time of duty.
It was unanimously agreed that the L.D.C. minute should stay as it is (i.e.) with the names of the men due to work written in order from the top to the bottom of the list put out each Tuesday. But that men cannot be regarded as available for an extra Sunday duty, if there is not 12 hours between their Monday booking on time and the available Sunday duties booking off time.
(2) Rest day booking of men having agreed to work rest days if required.
It had been brought to the attention of the L.D.C. Secretary that the L.D.C. minute of giving 3 days notice to be booked of an a rest Day with it never being credited to the man wether he was due to work or not, had resulted at the end of this summer period, with there being an uneven balance on the Rest Day records chart and requests had been made that the rest days booking be carried out the same as extra Sunday booking.
This was given a full discussion and it was proposed Bro. L. Stephenson and seconded Bro. A. Goodwin. “That the rest day booking should remain as the L.D.C. stands.” This motion was voted on and defeated 5 to 3.
It was proposed Bro. D Godden and Seconded Bro. P. Musselwhite. “That if a man failed to give 3 hours notice of his unavailability to work his rest days and refusing or declined to work a turn booked to turn he is marked off O/AC on the rest day chart.
If a man puts in 3 days prior to his rest day information the list clerk off unavailabilty to work his rest day, only if he would have worked is he credited own account.
This proposal was voted on and given a unanimous vote in favour of this system of booking to apply.
There being no other business the chairman brought the meeting to a close at 14.00 hrs.

Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday May 1st 1977 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Branch Secretary read the minutes of the meetings of the 16th January and the 20th March 1977. These being the Branch A.G.M. adjourned and the Branch A.G.M. continued. After an amendment by the Chairman it was moved F. Diplock and seconded A. Young that they were a true record.
Correspondence and circulars received since the last meeting were read out and items were discussed.
The Tunbridge Wells branch nomination of a candidate for Sectional council ‘B’ for 1978. A letter from Bro. W. Eames was read out in connection with this election and after some discussion and some reservations voiced, it was moved W. Baldwin and seconded F. Diplock. “That Bro. W. Eames be Tunbridge Wells Branch nomination.” This was agreed upon.
The question of a statement made by Bro. N. Milligan about presentation pen sets which the secretary said was being processed.
The question of a collection for Dougherty who it was thought had been off sick six weeks before resuming duty. The Secretary promised to investigate this matter. This being in line with the discussion made at the Branch meeting Sunday 17th November 1974.
A request by the L.D.C. Secretary that the Branch Secretary contact Head Quarters requesting that an official L.D.C. stamp be made available if possible for the use of the Tunbridge Wells L.D.C. The Secretary said that a request had been made and he was awaiting a reply.
On completion of the Branch Secretary’s report, the Branch Chairman expressed his wish that a sincere vote of thanks be given to the outgoing Branch Secretary W. Baldwin for the work which he has done for the branch over the past five years. This was echoed by all members present.
A vote of thanks was given by members present to F. Diplock for his time and trouble spent in preparing the roster cards. This vote being proposed W. Baldwin and seconded A. Brooker.
The Chairman reported to the Branch that discussion had taken place with the Branch Secretary on the question of the changeover of authority in respect of the Mutual Aid Fund and the Branch Banking. Also on the financial status of both accounts. He stated that the changeover authority between the outgoing Branch Secretary and incoming one was nearing completion and a financial report was expected at the next meeting.
The L.D.C. Secretary made his report on the meeting of 24th April with management. Minute L574 scrutinising of diagrams was agreed. L.D.C. minute 7 revised rest day rostering agreed, Storage of mopeds deferred, Car parking deferred.
Management stated that after discussion a new set of minutes would be drawn up and would be made available in the near future.
The L.D.C. Secretary reported that a meeting with management was being held on 2nd May and a report on this meeting would be made at the next branch meeting.
The L.D.C. Secretary was ask to investigate the booking of men who request a change the of roster for domestic reasons and grounds are considered to be in this catergory where the Secretary replied that this would be looked into.
One item of business was entered into correspondence for the next meeting to be held. This being new proposals were put forward by T. Allen for discussion on branch procedure. But due to the lack of time at this meeting it was decided to hold this item over until the next meeting.
The Chairman brought the meeting to close at 13:10
Five members present.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday July 10th 1977 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Branch Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of the 1st May ’77 and it was moved W. Baldwin and seconded A .Young “That they wee a true record.”
Correspondence and Circulars received since the last meeting were read out and included the following.
Letters from W. Eames and J. Richardson in conection with the Sectional Council ‘B’ elections. It was decided after a vote that W. Eames would be given Tunbridge Wells vote when the voting papers were sent and the Branch Secretary was given full authority to complete the voting paper and return it.
The Secretary reported that the nomination paper had been sent and received by Head office. The vote for W. Eames was proposed W. Baldwin
Items arising from the last meeting were reported on by the Secretary and were
A reply from Head Office re the supply of an L.D.C. rubber stamp which they said would not be complied with.
Presentation pen sets, a pen set had been sent for the Branch Chairman, and members said it was well deserved for the service he had given.
A question of a collection for A Dougherty thought to have been off sick for six weeks. The Secretary reported that this was looked into and was not in fact correct, he had only been sick for four weeks.
The Secretary was asked if the Branch funds had been sent to our Branch and he replied that they had not and he would contact Head Office.
The Chairman reported the changeover of authority from previous Branch Secretary to the present one in respect of the Branch banking and Mutual Aid Fund had been completed and statements from both accounts had been received.
The L.D.C. Secretary made his report on his attendance at District Council 4 meeting and on the following items
An L.D.C. stamp had been obtained and was now in use together with new locker keys
The refuelling apron T.W.W., the Secretary reported this item still being processed.
Annual Leave roster now posted and annual leave vacant date applications received and accepted.
A circular containing an item on double time being paid for working Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Payment of wages, a meeting had been held over the payment of some wages from the loco by telephone attendants with the result that the telephone attendants were not in agreement with paying out wages and a further meeting was being held on Thursday 14th July ’77
A report by A. Ashdown on incorrect booking was being pursued by the Secretary and a letter sent to Head Office in connection with this. The secretary reported that he was awaiting a reply to this letter.
The L.D.C. Secretary was asked to look into the matter of new chairs for the drivers room TWW Loco. The Secretary said this would be looked into.
Items on Branch procedure were discussed and were deferred for further discussion.
There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13:55
5 members were present

Rodney Simpson Eridge
Rodney, came down from Dundee to T.W.W., and with the closure of the 'Wells' he moved to Fratton depot
Tunbridge Wells Special Branch Meeting
Sunday August 14th 1977 10.45 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman opened the meeting by stating that this meeting had been called to welcome Sectional Council member Bill Eames to give a report on the events surrounding the closure of the Eridge – Oxted line on Sundays. For the purpose of this meeting all normal branch business was suspended.
Bill Eames thanked the Chairman for the welcome and set out to give a full and graphic report on the events leading up to the threat of massive cuts in service and the result of intense pressure put on the B.R.B. to revise the list of cuts by seeing that money could be saved by cutting out non essentials and waste. He went on to describe the events leading up to and since the closure of the Eridge – Oxted Sundays and the future attempts that would be made to reinstate same.
Questions were asked after Bill Eames had finished his report on the possible reopening of High Brooms station on Sundays. The recent introduction of the half hourly Charing Cross – Hastings service causing delays to our Tonbridge - Eridge services and the decline in general of railways in the Tunbridge Wells area.
Bill Eames noted the questions and points put forward and hoped in conjunction with the L.D.C. would resolve some of the issues.
The Chairman having had to a leave a little earlier passed the Chair to the Branch Secretary who at 13:00 brought the meeting to a close with thanks to Bill Eames and Branch member for their attendance
5 members were present.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday September 18th 1977 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Branch Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting held on the 10th July ’77 and it was moved B. Baldock and seconded W. Baldwin that they were a true record.
The Branch Secretary then read the minutes of the special meeting held on the 14th August ’77 and it was moved W. Baldwin and seconded B. Baldock that they were a true record.
Correspondence since the last meeting was read out and included
A voting paper for the TUC regional council 1978/81 and it was proposed A. Brooker and seconded B. Baldock that W. Huchings be given the Tunbridge Wells vote as he then was.
One item arising from the last meeting was the Branch Funds which the Secretary reported had been received and deposited in the branch bank account.
The Branch Secretary then reported on an item on presentation. Since the presentation of a pen and pencil by A.S.L.E.F. Head office to the Tunbridge Wells Branch Chairman. Consideration was given to presentation to other branch officers, in view of the fact that A.S.L.E.F. Head Office did not make a presentation to Branch Secretaries until twenty years in office and no presentation was made to L.D.C. Representatives at all. It was considered that a token of appreciation to Branch officers K. Savage, W. Baldwin, A. Ashdown & F. Diplock in the shape of presentation pens should be made with grateful thanks for their efforts on behalf of the members of this branch.
The Branch Chairman wished to endorsed the action of the Secretary in this matter and said he had worked with these members in their various capacities and knew the time and effort that they had put in over the years. He thanked them both personally and behalf of the branch.
The L.D.C. Secretary made his report on the question of Sunday booking and the proposal for the future was that as from October ’77 that all Sundays be recorded to eliminate any unfairness due to the losses of Sundays during annual leave. Other items on the recording of Sundays in other circumstances was discussed at this time. After which it was moved B. Baldock and seconded R. Sulivan. “That all Sundays be recorded.”
An amendment to the minute regarding the parking of cycles and mopeds was discussed and it was agreed that the management be informed that their proposal on this issue was acceptable to the members.
The secretary reported on alterations to the new roster for October ’77, the delivery of new chairs for the drivers room Tunbridge Wells loco and items in connection with the 1978 timetable.
The L.D.C. Secretary was question on the alterations for the weekend workings for 17th October and after discussion among members it was moved W. Baldwin and seconded R. Sulivan.
“That the L.D.C. was out of order in assisting management with the revised workings issued on Friday 16thSeptember, as it is not part of the provision of minute L574, that they do the work of diagrammers or rosters, only scrutinise it.”
This motion was carried three vote for none against.
A motion was put by R. Sulivan requesting that the branch call for the resignation of B. Baldock from the L.D.C. in view of recent events surrounding him, was withdrawn after B. Baldock said that he would not stand for the L.D.C. at the end of his term.
It was proposed M. Allen and seconded W. Baldwin. “That the L.D.C. be supplied with all new issues of the National Conditions of Service book paid for with branch funds as they are no longer supplied to L.D.C.s by ASLEF Head Office.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 13:20
5 members were present.
Tunbridge Wells Branch Meeting
Sunday December 4th 1977 10.30 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Branch Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of the 18th September and it was moved F. Diplock and seconded W. Baldwin. That they were a true record.
Correspondence since the last meeting was read but and included a letter from Bill Eames S.C. ‘B’ requesting the Branch consider holding a collection to be presented to H. Bagilhole on his retirement from S.C. ‘B’. Consideration was given and it was decided that the Branch Secretary take up a collection among the members of the branch. This collection to be supported by branch funds as necessary.
A collection for V. Rumley and Mutual Aid payment to him of £17.17 and £3.60 respectively .
J. Vigar petrol allowance still being dealt with at this time.
Letters from K. Savage and A. Ashdown expressing thanks for the presentation pen, a letter from Redhill Branch Secretary re closed line Hurst Green Junction to Birchden Junction Sundays, which members of the Branch said should be replied to by the Secretary.
The Health and Safety officer nomination paper had been forwarded to Head Office for their attention.
An application form for Society National School was presented to the Branch and it was moved A. Brooker and seconded w. Balwin. “That M. Allen should be this branch’s nomination.”
After the branch Secretary’s report W. Baldwin and F. Diplock wish to add their thanks to those of A. Ashdown and K. Savage for the presentation pens.
The L.D.C. Secretary made his report on District council 4 meeting of 31st October ’77.
Meetings with management on STOPS, 1978 timetable, amendments to L.D.C. minutes 2 Sunday booking, 14 parking of mopeds.
The Secretary reported that meetings would be held on 12th December, 14th December and 19th December in connection with L.D.C. minutes. Christmas holiday period ’77, payment of wages T.W.W.
The L.D.C. Secretary was asked to purse the matter of uneven surface of platforms as they were becoming a danger.
Lighting in the loco shed for the parking of mopeds and perhaps the filling of the pit adjacent to No.4 road. The Secretary said these matters would be looked into.
After the L.D.C. Secretary report the Chairman asked for nomination for the 2 L.D.C. position as the two L.D.C. members had reached the nend of term who were in office at this time.
It was proposed F. Diplock and seconded W. Baldwin. “That A. Brooker be nominated for one position
It was proposed A. Brooker and seconded F. Diplock that W. Baldwin be nominated for the other position.
The two nominees accepted.
Consideration was given to the candidates for the 1978 A.A.D. and a vote taken with the result that P. Plaine of Brighton would be given our vote 4 for and 1 against.
There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 12:45
4 members were present.