Chairman Bro. A. Rookley
Vice Chair Bro. W. Brown
Assistant Secretary Bro. M. Parsons
held at the Labour Club on Sun January 31st 1943
Bro. A. Rookley in the Chair
8 members present
Bros. J. Hillman, M. Smith, R. Turner, W. Brown, M. Parsons, W. Mullett, A. Rookley
& E. King.
Meeting was called to hear and discuss the contents of Head Office Circular No.11/1943.
This circular was read by Chairman who also added a few observation of his own, pointing out the anomaly caused by the increase of wages on a "War time" basis only. This had the effect, with “consegential adjustments” in rates of pay of increasing the wages of certain lower paid grades by as much as 26/- weekly.
Bro. M. Smith observed that the question of the dead-lock in the negotiations, and the likelihood of negotiations being resumed was under a cloud and in the absence of anything definite coming from Head Office or till such time as anything definite was received, little could be done.
The following motion was moved by Bro. Rookley & seconded by Bro. M. Smith.
Pending further advice from Head Office, we shall not call a meeting of members unless the situation is most serious; Should the situation not be most serious the Secretary, Ass. Secretary & Chairman' shall meet the Branch Committee and convey to the Committee any information received, who will be empowered to convey information to the General Membership: Should the situation become serious, a meeting of the member to be called as soon as possible. Carried.
Driver Fred Packham & Fireman Bill Lipscombe
Brighton Atlantic Class H2, No. 2421 “South Foreland”
Driver Alf Charman (?)
Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting
held at the Labour Club on Sun May 16th 1943
Bro. A. Rookley
8 members present
Bros. S. Lower, J. Hillman, M. Smith, R. Barber, J. Creasey, F. Cable, A. Rookley
& E. King
Branch Secretary read minutes of previous meeting and Special meeting, proposed by Bro. M. Smith and seconded by Bro. S. Lower. They be a true record. Carried.
There being no discussion on the previous minutes as read. The correspondence was proceeded with. As the only items of correspondence also co-incided with item dealt with at No.5 District Council meeting, Bro. A. Rookley dealt with both matters together, especially the instructions as to Compulsory Enrolment in the Home Guard. The information of the compelling of the Societies new Parliamentary Panel, with which is coupled the propaganda; efforts on behalf of the Political Fund in which all member are asked to take part.
Bro. Rookley also made a statement of his endeavours and actions taken with regards to the failure of Bro. S. Lower to pass satisfactorily, the colour vision part of the eye sight test: Bro. S. Lower then stated that he had attended at Head Office a colour vision test, conducted by Organiser Bro. W.J. Cleaver the previous day and that although he had again been unsuccessful he had been advised to take treatment if possible, with a view to again taking a re-test before the Company's Med. Officer, for the purpose of returning to the line of promotion. With regards to Bro. Lower, Bro. Rookley stated that he could now let it be known that Bro. Lower had been offered a coalmans job at the usual composite rate of pay. But Bro. Rookley had requested that something better might be found for Bro. Lower in consideration of all the circumstances of the case, and a resultant reply was awaited.
Continuing, Bro. Rookley, stated he had made application for the passing of two more Firemen for driving, and had, had a reply that one more would be allowed, the man in question would go on Thursday 20th, request had also been entered for the recruitment of 6 more Cleaners and he had been told four more Cleaners would be started but the date of starting these Cleaners had not yet been decided.
When the Chairman called for any other business Bro. Smith asked for information of results of the meeting held in the Shed on Nov. 29th when it was proposed to combine certain links and vary certain workings. Bro. Rookley quoted the letter from Loco Foreman, Mr. Urie dated January 5th and this explained by discussion on the subsequent method of working adopted.
During the meeting, Bro. S. Lower conveyed to Branch Chairman and Secretary, his thanks for what they had done for him, minutes recorded by Branch Secretary.