Restoration of the guaranteed week on British railways (April).

Passage of Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act.

Extracted and adapted from 

Newhaven Branch Meeting

 Sunday May 29th 1927

Circular from Secretary of Sectional Council re Coupling and uncoupling of engines on passenger trains. Pro. by F. Sherwin & sec. by J. Giles. ‘ hat this meeting is against the practice of coupling and uncoupling of engines and instruct Branch Secretary to interview each member not present and get opinions and forward resolution to Secretary of Member side of Sectional Council.

 Newhaven Branch Meeting Sunday June 26th 1927

Arising from the minutes re coupling and uncoupling engines on trains by enginemen. Secretary reported that he had been to each member and all were unanimous  against, also Secretary for enginemen N.U.R. had also signed circular for his members against it.


Eastbourne A.S.L.E.& F. Members c1920s

Walter Coombes is at the rear on the right, the other members are not known

Note that they are wearing A.S.L.E.& F. badges

Extracted and adapted from

Newhaven Branch Meeting

 Sunday August 28th 1927

Any Other Business, Bro. Ellis asked if anything was going to be done regarding the claims at this depot and how we stand regarding seniority with Brighton, as he thought there were Junior men to him with regular job firing. Secretary explained that according letter he had received from Secretary of Sectional Council, we stood on our own and Secretary also referred to minutes of a earlier date of an interview of a shed representatives on the same question with Mr. Fuller and he said we were only under Brighton for administration. 

Considerable discussion arose, Bro. Ellis saying that on several occasions he had made applications for transfer and he had never heard any more of them. It was agreed that as Bro. Boyle was going to see Foreman on his position with Brighton to letter the matter stand over till next meeting.




Pleased to say we still keep the flag flying. The important news since the last insertion is a visit by Mr. Long E.C., and the Improvement Class outing, which took place to the Ashford erecting shops, which were visited by kind permission of the Southern Railway. Leaving Horsham just before 8 o’clock, Ashford reached at 11-15a.m., where we met a small party from Newhaven, with our very able instructor, Mr. H. Cornwall, of Brighton. The Southern Railway Debating Society welcomed the party, and, much to our regret, Mr. Bumstead was unable to come, owing to indisposition. We first went over the very fine sports ground, after which we split up into parties, each under a guide supplied by the company, and went into the Locomotive Erecting Shops, where we saw engines in course of construction, including the “River” class,  also engines for repair. We then looked over the carriage and wagon shops. Tea was served at the Ashford Working Men’s Club, supplied by the local co-op., after which Mr. Bone proposed and Mr. Cornwall seconded a hearty vote of thanks to the guides for the instructive way they had explained things to us. Mr. Wright suitably replied, and said they were only too pleased to do it. We then had a look over the club, and afterwards returned home which was reached at 10-30p.m., after a lovely day thanks to our energetic secretary, Mr. E. Charman. If any locomen living near Horsham would like to this class, our secretary will give any information.



Brighton Loco Yard

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