Chairman Bro. A. Brooker
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday January 21st 1973 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were then read by the Secretary, and it was moved and seconded that they were a true record. Carried.
There followed the elections of officers 1973 in accordance with nominations taken at the last meeting. Officers were duly elected
Chairman Bro. A. Brooker, Vice Chairman R. Bridger, Secretary W. Baldwin & Assistant Secretary F. Diplock.
Branch Committee
Bros. K. Savage, D. Dore, V. Rumley, A. Dagherty, A. Young & P. Pepper.
All the above officers were elected unanimously. Voting the following voting and nomination paper received from Head Office were then voted upon.
Nomination of E.C. Member, it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded by Bro. V. Rumley. That Bro. G. Andrews be nominated from this branch. Carried unanimously
The L.D.C. secretary Bro. A. Brooker then delivered his L.D.C. report. This concise report covered many local issues including, staff car parking, the new Edenbridge Town 9 car stop board, lockers, yard lighting and the London Bridge road learning programme.
Any other Business
The following branch resolution was proposed by the Chairman: Headed ‘Staff Car Park’
“That this Branch fully support and endorse the action taken by the L.D.C. re the closure of the ‘Arches’ to car parking – provided under L.D.C. min.31 of 14.7.71
The L.D.C. secretary Bro. A. Brooker then delivered his L.D.C. report. This concise report covered many local issues including, staff car parking, the new Edenbridge Town 9 car stop board, lockers, yard lighting and the London Bridge road learning programme.
Any other Business
The following branch resolution was proposed by the Chairman: Headed ‘Staff Car Park’
“That this Branch fully support and endorse the action taken by the L.D.C. re the closure of the ‘Arches’ to car parking – provided under L.D.C. min.31 of 14.7.71
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday April 11th 1973 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved and seconded that they were a true record.
Bro. V. Rumley questions the present position re the protest letter in connection with the 1972 Boxing Day workings and was concerned whether the same positions could arise with the 1973 Easter workings. Bro. A. Brooker the L.D.C. Secretary informed Bro. RRumley that there was correspondence on the subject of the 1972 Boxing Day workings in the L.D.C. report and would give the present position re 1973 Easter Workings with it.
Longs Service Badges Awards
W. Gents 30 years, H. Love & I. Breeds 10 years
District Council report
Bro. A. Brooker District Council Delegate then once his report of District Council meeting at 26th February 1973 and because of relevant issues within the report, there immediately followed a full discussion on letters from Bro. H. Love, both to the Branch Secretary and L.D.C. Secretary on his disagreement with the interpretation made on 12 on E.C. Resolution No. Re the working of extra Sundays during the period of non cooperation with management.
The L.D.C. Secretary Bro. A. Brooker read out copy of letter sent Bro over letter from Bro. H. Love together with letters to and from Bro. F. Page Branch Secretary Tonbridge and Bro. Pearman L.D.C. Secretary Redhill. In letter of reply from Bro. Williams, he stated, quote that is quite obvious that the situation at Tunbridge Wells and at other depots arose out of a genuine misunderstanding and lack of guidance it is something that will require much closer attention office level, should a similar circumstance arise again.
It was proposed by Bro. V. rumley and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger, that in any future event of instructive circulars of this nature to be posted a branch committee meeting be called for correct interpretation of same and that all members with any query of circulars or letter posted to approach branch secretary immediately so that he may get a decision without delay.
It was moved by Bro. V. Rumley and seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That Branch Chairman and Secretary be absolved of any criticism over item 12 of resolution No. – this was voted 3 for 1 against.
Bro. A. Brooker then gave his report this covered information on letter from N.U.R. to L.M. Region on multiple aspect signalling failures and irregulatities, list if people to whom train drivers case booklets were forwarded to and correspondence on local issues covering uniform clothing , further correspondence on car park site, instruction on Sunday duties before within and after annual holidays, present position on 9 car stopping mark at Edenbridge Town. Letter to A.D.M. re new door handle on unit 1310 and correspondence on 1972 Boxing Day workings and waited information on 1973 Boxing Day and 1973 Easter workings.
Any Other Business
Bro. V. Rumley proposed that as the past Branch Secretary was off sick and was not at the meeting, that the Branch Secretary write and forward a vote of thanks and appreciation for his work and time given to the branch during his time as branch secretary this was seconded by Bro R. Bridger, together with a unaminous vote of thanks from all members present.
The branch Secretary put forward how his work could be made easier and at less cost to Head Office if he has a telephone at his residence. It was moved, seconded and carried. “That the Secretary should write to Head Office and enquired if telephones are installed for Branch Secretaries or if they would be prepared to pay the cost or part of the cost for one to be installed.”
There being no other business the chairman brought the meeting to a close at 1300hrs.
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday July 8th 1973 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded Bro. F. Diplock that they were a true record.
Matters arising
It was carried unanimously at the January Branch meeting, that Bro. G. Andrews be nominated from this branch for election of E.C. member and due to the voting papers arriving after the April meeting requiring to be at Head Office before the July meeting, it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded Bro. K. Savage. “That a Branch endorsement be given to the action taken in getting papers to Head Officer by 4th July 1973. Carried unanimously
Branch Banking
Due to the non existence of coop bank in Tunbridge Wells, the Branch Secretary has found difficulties arising when dealing with branch finance and has made arrangements through Head Office and locally for the Tunbridge Wells West Branch banking to be made through the National Westminster bank. Address 89 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
These arrangements are divided into three accounts.
1, an account with a paying in book for money to be paid into the Head Office account i.e. ASLEF diary payments
2, an account to change cheques from Head Office for payments to members when required with maximum of £150 a month.
3, a private account for Tunbridge Wells West branch only.
The Secretary brought the position of the Money Bank to the attention of the meeting and it was decided to give the ---- and leave to for discussion at the next meeting
The future of the old Mutual Aid, and it was moved Bro. K. Savage and seconded by Bro. R. Bridger “That a vote of thanks be given.” The Branch Chairman and Secretary for their work in arranging the Branch Banking System.
Bro. R. Dickenson
Due to Branch Secretary’s Holidays etc. it was found to be impossible to call a Branch meeting in time to get voting papers to Head Office for the election of one delegate to the Labour Party Conference ’73. It was moved by Bro. F. Dipllock and seconded Bro. R. Bridger “That a Branch endorsement be given to the action taken in nominating Bro. R. Dickenson for the Labour Party Conference ‘73” Agreed Unanimously.
It was moved, seconded and carried “That the Secretary should write to the Secretary of the East Sussex Travellers Association for information on the Private Plan put forward to close the Edenbridge - Eridge section of line and route all traffic through Tonbridge.
Bro. A. Brooker then gave his L.D.C. report, this covered correspondence on holiday roster 1974, and Tunbridge Wells West L.D.C. minutes and minutes required for D. Goddens accident
There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13:00 Hrs.
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday September 16th 1973 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. R. Bridger that they were a true record.
The question of financial appeals was brought to the attention of the meeting and given a full discussion by all present. It was proposed by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded Bro. F. Diplock. “That successive branch financial appeals not to be posted until being subject to a lapse this to be at the discretion of Branch Chairman and Secretary.
The future of the Mutual Aid Fund was again bought to the attention of the meeting and a proposal for its use, that was put foreward to the branch was read and explained by the chairman. This proposal was fully discussed, and acceptable by all members present. It was agreed that a letter explaining the foundation of the fund, for what purposes it was founded, the reasons why it was necessary that it should be re-examined, and the present financial position of the fund should be posted, together with a copy of the new amended rules, on the branch notice board, for all members attention so that if they wish, they may become members of the fund.
East Sussex Travellers Associations
Letter of reply from Honorary Secretary, East Sussex Travellers Association with assurances of no support to the plan to close the Edenbridge to Eridge portion of the line and re-route traffic via Tonbridge.
It was also agreed that a copy of the explanatory letter and rules to be kept in the branch minute book.
It was proposed by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. R. Bridger. “That Bro. A.Brooker the nominated as Tunbridge Wells Branch for 1974 A.A.D. delegatge in group 40, and that Secretary should with branches in group 40, for their support for Bro. Brooker.
It was proposed by Bro. Brooker and seconded seconded F. Diplock “That Bro. Williams be nominated from this branch for Parliamentary Panel, but that before sending nomination form to Head Office, secretary should write to Bro. Williams and ask if he would be willing to be nominated for this position at this time.
District Council Report
Bro. Brooker, District Council Delegate gave his report on meeting at East Croydon on 9th July 1973 and followed by giving his L.D.C. Report..
The following members were nominated as candidates for the L.D.C.
Bro. A. Brooker proposed by F. Diplock and seconded by R. Bridger.
Bro. F. Diplock proposed by W. Baldwin and seconded R. Bridger.
There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13:00
Tunbridge Wells Annual General Meeting
Sunday November 11th 1973 at 10.30 p.m.
at the Welfare Rooms, Central Station
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Branch Secretary and it was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded Bro. F. Diplock that they were a true record.
Nomination for was completed and forwarded to Head Office on behalf of Bro. Brooker as delegate for the 1974 A.A.D. to group 40 and branch secretary wrote to Secretaries of Brighton (1) & (2), Eastbourne, Horsham, Ore, and Seaford for their support to Bro. Brooker.
Branch Secretary wrote to Bro. W. Williams to see if would be willing to be nominated for Parliamentary Panel and his reply; he thanked the Branch for considering him for the position, but was sorry he would not be able to accept our nomination at this time.
Lewes & Uckfield Joint Rail Committee
It was proposed by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded F. Diplock. “That Secretary shoulkd forward £2 to Mrs C. Gowtton, Secretary, Lewes & Uckfield Joint Rail Committee, towards expenses of meeting on September 26th ’73.
L.D.C. Report
This report covered Mutual Aid Fund, requirements on Circulars 118/119/1973, walk-ways and detonators in taxis.
District No.4 Report
The Branch District Council Delegate then gave a full report on D.C.4 meeting held on October 29th, ’73.
L.D.C. Voting
Votes for the candidates nominated at the September meeting wee then taken and recorded as follows.
It was moved by Bro. R. Bridger and seconded Bro. W. Baldwin. “That Bros. A. Brooker and F. Diplock are voted as official L.D.C. Candidates.
There being no other business the Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13:00Hrs.
4 members present.