Extracted and adapted from
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 22nd August 1982, 10.15 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman then moved on to any other L.D.C business, which the Branch Secretary had put on the agenda the notice of intent that was handed out to the L.D.C. on 13th August 1982 over the closure of line between Grove Junction and Burchden Junction.
The L.D.C. Secretary said we need to know more information before we can oppose it and questions from the floor asked the L.D.C. Secretary if we can ask for a meeting between ourselves with Management, with Sectional Council in attendance. Bro. M. Allen answered, yes and wordings from an agreement No.177.
Bro. F. Diplock said this Branch must stand to keep this line open, maybe when the L.D.C. go to meetings, they may be able to find out if the line was to close to see if a single line would be left between Tunbridge Wells West and Eridge to supply the service fully serviced.
Bro. M. Allen mentioned that answers will be needed and to paragraph No. 6 and that notice of intent with what do they mean depot reduced and meaning relocating, find out they going to disperse the men, after which it was moved by Bro W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.
"That the Secretary does write to Head Office and inform them that. This the Tunbridge Wells Branch are extremely concerned and urgently need information over the proposed closure of this line between Grove Junction and Burchden Junction i.e. what is to happen to this depot, the Hasting to Tonbridge were will the engine be service etc would you please give this your earliest attention as we would like to have this information by our next branch meeting on 19th September 1982."
All in favour.
It was also asked if the Secretary could ask why we have been given a class reaction A on the statement of intent when we should have been under C, but the L.D.C. Secretary Bro. M. Allen said this was being take in up by the L.D.C.
Bro. M. Allen then informed the members that the Secretary has looked at the passed copies of the Locomotive Journals and found in May 1981 copy, a copy of the P.T.R. arrangements and asked that the Branch instructs the Secretary that he gets copies, photocopies of this and have ready for member to read. This to be paid from branch funds. This was seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary checks into pass publications of the Locomotive Journal for the P.T.R. Arrangements and the R.T.R. arrangements and get these photocopies and have these put up at the depot for the men’s information, the cost of these to come from branch funds. All in favour
* On the closure of passenger service and possible line as recorded at the meeting of 18.09.82
The L.D.C. have written 2 letters
One to the A.D.M. asking for a meeting as they felt that more information should be given to the L.D.C. of which a reply had been received which went on to say they could not have a meeting until the notice of closure had been enforced, which mean the L.D.C. will have to wait until the line is closed which is no good so will be writing again.
The Chairman then moved on to the next item of the pontoon to ceases under Branch control. The Secretary then mentioned that as we have been given a date of closure of passenger service we could give the line and service a good send off by having a party of all grades and members involved with the Grove Junction to Birchden Junction, but felt that we could not do it under the A.S.L.E.F. Branch name, and would suggested that a new Pontoon be started but under the control of a different body to represent all grades in the closure area.
Bro. M. Allen asked if the Branch Pontoon had been a success. The Secretary replied yes, and hoped that the present membership of about 54 would increase to around 90 under the new idea of the profits going for a party. Bro. M. Allen then asked have any rules been made up for this new idea. The Secretary replied he had made up a set of rules but yet to have them agreed by all.
Bro. M. Allen then put it to the floor and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That the Branch carries on with the Pontoon for the time being but asked that both the rules for the new Pontoon be put up with the rules of the Branch’s rules for all to choose. Carried.
The Chairman then mentioned the Secretary had under any other business written a questionnaire which he want the Branch’s reaction. The Secretary read the questionnaire in detail and after a few alterations it was then noted that these forms would be in member’s wage envelopes this coming week and asks members if they would return them as soon as possible no latter than 2nd October, 1982. The Secretary then asked if the members who worked should get this help that will result from this questionnaire. Bro M. Allen proposed and seconded by Bro. C. Exley.
"That the Secretary carry out a questionnaire to help Sectional Council, Head Office, the L.D.C. and the Branch with the exception of those who worked through the strike, they are G. Brown, R. Plummer, R. Aspey and R. Woodbridge. Bro. R. Bridger will get a form as he returned on strike after only two days because of his worries over pension."
All in favour
Extracted and adapted from
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 16th October 1982, 10.15 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Bro. F. Diplock asked about the questionair that had been sent to every one. Bro. M. Allen assured Bro. F. Diplock that we did ask these questions to get the feelings of them embers but whatever we will be objecting to the closure of the passenger service on the Grove Junction to Birchden Junction, but we must get answers to questions like on redundancies, this we will be doing in parallel with the fight to save our line.
The Chairman then moved o to the Football Pontoon. The Secretary then went on to say that due to the depot was sometime in the future to close, it would be an idea to hold some sort of party. The financing could come from something like the pontoon which is now run by the branch, as promised at the last month’s meeting a copy of the amended rules have been on displayed on the notice board. The Secretary felt that if the depot was to shut and the question of what and how the Branch Funds would be dissolved, he could not see other members of another union being allowed to enjoy the outcome of this discussion as he believed that the members will only wish to share the fund among A.S.L.E.F. members which the Secretary said only be right, but he went on to say, was that many f not more of the N.U.R. members had enjoyed helping to swell the Branch Funds by playing Pontoon and he felt now we have been told of this closure of the line we should think positively of all members effected by the closure with the view of holding a Grand Party, but putting in a clause that if after 2 years the B.R. have changed their minds and the line remains open, we should hold a Christmas party at the end of 1984/85 and a rethinking on the funds.
After which Bro. M. allen asked how much would this fund expect to make giving 2 years was the time limit? The Secretary said that the fund should if we maintain 54 members make around £8.00 profit but was aiming around £10 – 15 which after 2 years should be around £200 which should enable those who have contributed to the Pontoon be allowed to the Grand Party free with their guest.
Bro. M. Allen asked what would those who do not play pontoon be asked to pay towards this party. Answer he would be expected a charge to be made which would make it fairer to those who did play Pontoon. It was then moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the Pontoon ceases under the Branch Control and will play no further part in it. All in favour.
Local Traffic Management.
On the closure of the line after some information about what had been happening. Management had said that we could not jump over Sectional Council by holding a meeting on the closure. Bro. M. Allen has written back to explain we do not wist to go over our Sectional Council, but wish to contribute to and hear what was being done as laid down on the notice of intent.
Bro. M. Allen also went on to say that it is the aim of the L.D.C. to oppose the closure of this passenger service and lines, but we must sort out the Redundancy on a parallel line.
Extracted and adapted
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 19th December 1982, 10.15 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Bro. M. Allen reported that the T.U.C.C. was meeting on February 1st at Tunbridge Wells over the proposed closure of the Birchden to Grove Junction line. Bro. M. Allen mentioned that he will be sending to Sectional Council a report on this meeting also updating the figures in that report.
It was asked by that a letter from the Secretary should go to Head Office informing them of this meeting.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 20th February 1983 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
There were five members present, they were Bros. M. Allen, J. Carney, A. Herriett, F. Diplock & K. Knowles.
The Chairman welcomed all and opened the meeting at 10.16. The Secretary then read the minutes of the January meting after which Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the minutes of the January meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
On matters arising from the minutes was
T.U.C.C., the meeting was attended by Bros. M. Allen and Neil Milligan representing A.S.L.E.F. Head Office, and from that meeting Bro. M. Allen had got submissions from the Kent and Sussex County Councils and the one from Head Office and what Bro. Allen had produced and anyone wishing to read that report would see Bro. M. Allen. After a short debate on the cuts in our line, it came to light that the branch should purchase two books to help the L.D.C. and the branch over the cuts in not only our line but what may happen in the future.
One was the “Serpell Report” known as railway finances report of a committee chaired by Sir David Serpall K.C.B. price £.6.75.
The other was the consequence of Rail Closure price £4.50
It was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles. That the secretary to be instructed to purchase the Railway Finances by Sir David Serpell price £6.75 and the Consequence of Rail Closure. All in favour.
The Chairman then mentioned that while attending the T.U.C.C. meeting at the Assembly Hall, Tunbridge Wells, had spoken to Mr. Robbins the Divisional Manage and mentioned to him that this branch’s L.D.C. had been trying in vain to get a meeting with him over the closures, it was stated that he did not know of any request but assured Bro. M. Allen that if another request was put in with his name mentioned, it would be seen too. This was greeted by the Branch members in attendance with full agreement.
Under any other business, Bro. K. Knowles brought to the branch’s attention that signal boxes on the Hurst Green toUckfield line were open on a Sunday and was asking if any trains had or would be travelling down there.
The L.D.C. Secretary and Chairman then mentioned that a letter was written to all L.D.C. who travelled down that line informing them as we had lost our Sundays we would expect them not to work any trains over that line for whatever the reasons unless of course we were to over it on a regular basis. After a short debate it was then move by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.
That the Secretary be instructed to write to the Branches of Tonbridge, Norwood, Victoria, Redhill and Brighton, and remind them that even though signal boxes on the Hurst Green to Uckfield line are open to carry out essential maintenance. Our position at Tunbridge Wells West is te same. That no trains are to be work down the lines Hurst Green to Uckfield or to Birchden Junction to Grove Junction for what ever reason unless Tunbridge Wells West drivers work on Sundays on a regular basis. Your help and your observance on this will be gratefully appreciated, please bring this to the attention of your members of your members. Thank you .T.W.W.
All in favour
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 20th March 1983 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that he and Bro. M. Allen would be going to pre-scrutiny this Friday, the 26th March and if members can recall we have never gone to a pre-scrutiny this early before so there might be something difficult in the content.
The meeting between the L.D.C. Sectional Council did take part and the Council will when the depot has been decided to close be the first to be told and of course they will let us know but more important, meetings will be set with the L.D.C. and each member will see the Council with an L.D.C. member present to sort out which would be best for each member, also what financial help would be available to them.
On the T.U.C.C. Report this is not expected until August.
Sunday 17th April 1983
Bro. A. Herriott then went on to mentioned that Bro. M. Allen submission to the railway planners over the closure of the Eridge to Tunbridge Wells Central line is now on its way to them, after being held at Train Crew Manager’s Offices, management believing it was their copy.
Sunday 19th June 1983
Bro. M. Allen then mentioned that on the proposed closure of the Birchden Junction to Grove Junction that the Secretary seek from Head Office a photo copy of the full report of the T.U.C.C., it was then seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary be instructed to write to Head Office and asked for a copy of the report given to them by the T.U.C.C. over the proposal to withdraw the passenger train service between Tunbridge Wells Central and Eridge. All in favour.
Sunday 17th July 1983
On Tunbridge Wells, no movement yet on the closure, the minister has not yet decided and management are not pushing.
Timetable next year, there is a lot of carve ups of which a photo copy is to be sent to each delegate as soon as it is received, the Secretary will post same at Tunbridge Wells. Sundays will stay the same, East Grinstead only to London Mon-Sat, some London to East Grinstead but Uckfield will have alter frequency to take in account of single line timings.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 18th September 1983 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Question as Tonbridge men working over Tonbridge – Eridge line on Sundays when all depots concerning this line were informed that this depot is in dispute with management not allowing trains to operate over this line and Tunbridge Wells men working Sundays. The Secretary informed the meeting that all depots had received two letters informing them of our position, the last one was February 19th 1983, of which no reply was received and the Secretary does believe that Tonbridge was having trouble with the Branch, meeting sometimes 5-6 months gaps.
It was suggested that the Secretary write to Bro. D. Fullick and explain the situation.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 18th December 1983 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Bro. A. Herriett first mentioned the meeting they went to two days previous to the meeting, this was with Sectional Council ‘B’. They have told the L.D.C. that there is nothing on the depot closing and they hve said that would not know until the minister had made his decision.
On the electrifying of the Tonbridge to Hastings will be but not Tunbridge Wells to Eridge as the £24 million does not include that line.
If the minister decides that the line stays open the line would not be electrified.
Sectional Council did say that if the depot closes they would have to bring in displacement rule for the first time, because of the depot closing in May 1984, there would not be the vacancy but no one would be out of a job. They do say that when the minister has decided and if it is to close, B.R. would only take a few months to shut this depot. The L.D.C. reckon October 1984 at the earliest or May 1985.
The depot will not be able to freeze anymore vacancies as we can not cover.
Extracted and adapted from
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 22nd August 1982, 10.15 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman then moved on to any other L.D.C business, which the Branch Secretary had put on the agenda the notice of intent that was handed out to the L.D.C. on 13th August 1982 over the closure of line between Grove Junction and Burchden Junction.
The L.D.C. Secretary said we need to know more information before we can oppose it and questions from the floor asked the L.D.C. Secretary if we can ask for a meeting between ourselves with Management, with Sectional Council in attendance. Bro. M. Allen answered, yes and wordings from an agreement No.177.
Bro. F. Diplock said this Branch must stand to keep this line open, maybe when the L.D.C. go to meetings, they may be able to find out if the line was to close to see if a single line would be left between Tunbridge Wells West and Eridge to supply the service fully serviced.
Bro. M. Allen mentioned that answers will be needed and to paragraph No. 6 and that notice of intent with what do they mean depot reduced and meaning relocating, find out they going to disperse the men, after which it was moved by Bro W. Baldwin and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.
"That the Secretary does write to Head Office and inform them that. This the Tunbridge Wells Branch are extremely concerned and urgently need information over the proposed closure of this line between Grove Junction and Burchden Junction i.e. what is to happen to this depot, the Hasting to Tonbridge were will the engine be service etc would you please give this your earliest attention as we would like to have this information by our next branch meeting on 19th September 1982."
All in favour.
It was also asked if the Secretary could ask why we have been given a class reaction A on the statement of intent when we should have been under C, but the L.D.C. Secretary Bro. M. Allen said this was being take in up by the L.D.C.
Bro. M. Allen then informed the members that the Secretary has looked at the passed copies of the Locomotive Journals and found in May 1981 copy, a copy of the P.T.R. arrangements and asked that the Branch instructs the Secretary that he gets copies, photocopies of this and have ready for member to read. This to be paid from branch funds. This was seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary checks into pass publications of the Locomotive Journal for the P.T.R. Arrangements and the R.T.R. arrangements and get these photocopies and have these put up at the depot for the men’s information, the cost of these to come from branch funds. All in favour
* On the closure of passenger service and possible line as recorded at the meeting of 18.09.82
The L.D.C. have written 2 letters
One to the A.D.M. asking for a meeting as they felt that more information should be given to the L.D.C. of which a reply had been received which went on to say they could not have a meeting until the notice of closure had been enforced, which mean the L.D.C. will have to wait until the line is closed which is no good so will be writing again.
The Chairman then moved on to the next item of the pontoon to ceases under Branch control. The Secretary then mentioned that as we have been given a date of closure of passenger service we could give the line and service a good send off by having a party of all grades and members involved with the Grove Junction to Birchden Junction, but felt that we could not do it under the A.S.L.E.F. Branch name, and would suggested that a new Pontoon be started but under the control of a different body to represent all grades in the closure area.
Bro. M. Allen asked if the Branch Pontoon had been a success. The Secretary replied yes, and hoped that the present membership of about 54 would increase to around 90 under the new idea of the profits going for a party. Bro. M. Allen then asked have any rules been made up for this new idea. The Secretary replied he had made up a set of rules but yet to have them agreed by all.
Bro. M. Allen then put it to the floor and seconded by Bro. L. Stephenson. That the Branch carries on with the Pontoon for the time being but asked that both the rules for the new Pontoon be put up with the rules of the Branch’s rules for all to choose. Carried.
The Chairman then mentioned the Secretary had under any other business written a questionnaire which he want the Branch’s reaction. The Secretary read the questionnaire in detail and after a few alterations it was then noted that these forms would be in member’s wage envelopes this coming week and asks members if they would return them as soon as possible no latter than 2nd October, 1982. The Secretary then asked if the members who worked should get this help that will result from this questionnaire. Bro M. Allen proposed and seconded by Bro. C. Exley.
"That the Secretary carry out a questionnaire to help Sectional Council, Head Office, the L.D.C. and the Branch with the exception of those who worked through the strike, they are G. Brown, R. Plummer, R. Aspey and R. Woodbridge. Bro. R. Bridger will get a form as he returned on strike after only two days because of his worries over pension."
All in favour
Extracted and adapted from
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 16th October 1982, 10.15 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Bro. F. Diplock asked about the questionair that had been sent to every one. Bro. M. Allen assured Bro. F. Diplock that we did ask these questions to get the feelings of them embers but whatever we will be objecting to the closure of the passenger service on the Grove Junction to Birchden Junction, but we must get answers to questions like on redundancies, this we will be doing in parallel with the fight to save our line.
The Chairman then moved o to the Football Pontoon. The Secretary then went on to say that due to the depot was sometime in the future to close, it would be an idea to hold some sort of party. The financing could come from something like the pontoon which is now run by the branch, as promised at the last month’s meeting a copy of the amended rules have been on displayed on the notice board. The Secretary felt that if the depot was to shut and the question of what and how the Branch Funds would be dissolved, he could not see other members of another union being allowed to enjoy the outcome of this discussion as he believed that the members will only wish to share the fund among A.S.L.E.F. members which the Secretary said only be right, but he went on to say, was that many f not more of the N.U.R. members had enjoyed helping to swell the Branch Funds by playing Pontoon and he felt now we have been told of this closure of the line we should think positively of all members effected by the closure with the view of holding a Grand Party, but putting in a clause that if after 2 years the B.R. have changed their minds and the line remains open, we should hold a Christmas party at the end of 1984/85 and a rethinking on the funds.
After which Bro. M. allen asked how much would this fund expect to make giving 2 years was the time limit? The Secretary said that the fund should if we maintain 54 members make around £8.00 profit but was aiming around £10 – 15 which after 2 years should be around £200 which should enable those who have contributed to the Pontoon be allowed to the Grand Party free with their guest.
Bro. M. Allen asked what would those who do not play pontoon be asked to pay towards this party. Answer he would be expected a charge to be made which would make it fairer to those who did play Pontoon. It was then moved by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the Pontoon ceases under the Branch Control and will play no further part in it. All in favour.
Local Traffic Management.
On the closure of the line after some information about what had been happening. Management had said that we could not jump over Sectional Council by holding a meeting on the closure. Bro. M. Allen has written back to explain we do not wist to go over our Sectional Council, but wish to contribute to and hear what was being done as laid down on the notice of intent.
Bro. M. Allen also went on to say that it is the aim of the L.D.C. to oppose the closure of this passenger service and lines, but we must sort out the Redundancy on a parallel line.
Extracted and adapted
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 19th December 1982, 10.15 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Bro. M. Allen reported that the T.U.C.C. was meeting on February 1st at Tunbridge Wells over the proposed closure of the Birchden to Grove Junction line. Bro. M. Allen mentioned that he will be sending to Sectional Council a report on this meeting also updating the figures in that report.
It was asked by that a letter from the Secretary should go to Head Office informing them of this meeting.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 20th February 1983 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
There were five members present, they were Bros. M. Allen, J. Carney, A. Herriett, F. Diplock & K. Knowles.
The Chairman welcomed all and opened the meeting at 10.16. The Secretary then read the minutes of the January meting after which Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. A. Herriott. That the minutes of the January meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
On matters arising from the minutes was
T.U.C.C., the meeting was attended by Bros. M. Allen and Neil Milligan representing A.S.L.E.F. Head Office, and from that meeting Bro. M. Allen had got submissions from the Kent and Sussex County Councils and the one from Head Office and what Bro. Allen had produced and anyone wishing to read that report would see Bro. M. Allen. After a short debate on the cuts in our line, it came to light that the branch should purchase two books to help the L.D.C. and the branch over the cuts in not only our line but what may happen in the future.
One was the “Serpell Report” known as railway finances report of a committee chaired by Sir David Serpall K.C.B. price £.6.75.
The other was the consequence of Rail Closure price £4.50
It was then moved by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles. That the secretary to be instructed to purchase the Railway Finances by Sir David Serpell price £6.75 and the Consequence of Rail Closure. All in favour.
The Chairman then mentioned that while attending the T.U.C.C. meeting at the Assembly Hall, Tunbridge Wells, had spoken to Mr. Robbins the Divisional Manage and mentioned to him that this branch’s L.D.C. had been trying in vain to get a meeting with him over the closures, it was stated that he did not know of any request but assured Bro. M. Allen that if another request was put in with his name mentioned, it would be seen too. This was greeted by the Branch members in attendance with full agreement.
Under any other business, Bro. K. Knowles brought to the branch’s attention that signal boxes on the Hurst Green toUckfield line were open on a Sunday and was asking if any trains had or would be travelling down there.
The L.D.C. Secretary and Chairman then mentioned that a letter was written to all L.D.C. who travelled down that line informing them as we had lost our Sundays we would expect them not to work any trains over that line for whatever the reasons unless of course we were to over it on a regular basis. After a short debate it was then move by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. F. Diplock.
That the Secretary be instructed to write to the Branches of Tonbridge, Norwood, Victoria, Redhill and Brighton, and remind them that even though signal boxes on the Hurst Green to Uckfield line are open to carry out essential maintenance. Our position at Tunbridge Wells West is te same. That no trains are to be work down the lines Hurst Green to Uckfield or to Birchden Junction to Grove Junction for what ever reason unless Tunbridge Wells West drivers work on Sundays on a regular basis. Your help and your observance on this will be gratefully appreciated, please bring this to the attention of your members of your members. Thank you .T.W.W.
All in favour
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 20th March 1983 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that he and Bro. M. Allen would be going to pre-scrutiny this Friday, the 26th March and if members can recall we have never gone to a pre-scrutiny this early before so there might be something difficult in the content.
The meeting between the L.D.C. Sectional Council did take part and the Council will when the depot has been decided to close be the first to be told and of course they will let us know but more important, meetings will be set with the L.D.C. and each member will see the Council with an L.D.C. member present to sort out which would be best for each member, also what financial help would be available to them.
On the T.U.C.C. Report this is not expected until August.
Sunday 17th April 1983
Bro. A. Herriott then went on to mentioned that Bro. M. Allen submission to the railway planners over the closure of the Eridge to Tunbridge Wells Central line is now on its way to them, after being held at Train Crew Manager’s Offices, management believing it was their copy.
Sunday 19th June 1983
Bro. M. Allen then mentioned that on the proposed closure of the Birchden Junction to Grove Junction that the Secretary seek from Head Office a photo copy of the full report of the T.U.C.C., it was then seconded by Bro. F. Diplock. That the Secretary be instructed to write to Head Office and asked for a copy of the report given to them by the T.U.C.C. over the proposal to withdraw the passenger train service between Tunbridge Wells Central and Eridge. All in favour.
Sunday 17th July 1983
On Tunbridge Wells, no movement yet on the closure, the minister has not yet decided and management are not pushing.
Timetable next year, there is a lot of carve ups of which a photo copy is to be sent to each delegate as soon as it is received, the Secretary will post same at Tunbridge Wells. Sundays will stay the same, East Grinstead only to London Mon-Sat, some London to East Grinstead but Uckfield will have alter frequency to take in account of single line timings.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 18th September 1983 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Question as Tonbridge men working over Tonbridge – Eridge line on Sundays when all depots concerning this line were informed that this depot is in dispute with management not allowing trains to operate over this line and Tunbridge Wells men working Sundays. The Secretary informed the meeting that all depots had received two letters informing them of our position, the last one was February 19th 1983, of which no reply was received and the Secretary does believe that Tonbridge was having trouble with the Branch, meeting sometimes 5-6 months gaps.
It was suggested that the Secretary write to Bro. D. Fullick and explain the situation.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 18th December 1983 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
Bro. A. Herriett first mentioned the meeting they went to two days previous to the meeting, this was with Sectional Council ‘B’. They have told the L.D.C. that there is nothing on the depot closing and they hve said that would not know until the minister had made his decision.
On the electrifying of the Tonbridge to Hastings will be but not Tunbridge Wells to Eridge as the £24 million does not include that line.
If the minister decides that the line stays open the line would not be electrified.
Sectional Council did say that if the depot closes they would have to bring in displacement rule for the first time, because of the depot closing in May 1984, there would not be the vacancy but no one would be out of a job. They do say that when the minister has decided and if it is to close, B.R. would only take a few months to shut this depot. The L.D.C. reckon October 1984 at the earliest or May 1985.
The depot will not be able to freeze anymore vacancies as we can not cover.
Tunbridge Wells Special Meeting
Sunday 12th February 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
This meeting was requested by the L.D.C. over trains running down to Uckfield from Oxted on Sundays.
Bro. A. Herriet did then mentioned that the L.D.C. had been to seen management, Mr. Cole, who did inform the L.D.C. that the paper train for Eastbourne was to be diverted down to Oakfield for seven Sundays and due to engineers works, it had been asked could this train go any other routes. Management did mention that the paper traffic was worth over £¾ million pounds over the year and they were worried about losing this traffic. The L.D.C. then was asked about various items about trains. It was also mentioned that the minutes 75/80 & 6/81 did mention Industrial Action would take place if any trains run between Hurst Green and Oakfield and Tunbridge Wells West and Eridge, as this had now been done. The members were here to discuss and decide it was then asked that the Secretary did read the two minutes for a vote to be taken, after the Secretary had read the minutes Bro. C. Exley asked that all votes be recorded all were in favour.
Minute 75/80
That on every occasion until further notice that other depots are rostered work on Sundays south of Oxted on the Uckfield line, and this depot is not given equal share of the work above Oxted. Industrial Action will be taken by this branch.
Minute 6/81
That if we at this depot are to lose our Sunday work then we do not entertain any special openings on Sundays for fueling of engines or stock working. We further will not any longer do any train work on Bank or Public Holidays or undertake to do any loan work. All the above are not to clash with any motion for action from the traffic grades.”
Then a debate was had to decide if any Industrial action should be taken as management had ran a train when minute 75/80 was enforce. It was then proposed by Bro. P. Pepper and seconded by Bro. S. Harris. That no passenger train or passenger stock to run down the Uckfield line unless we get an option to work those trains (minute 7/84).
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 18th March 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Tunbridge Wells West Loco
This was because of difficulties of getting into the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman then moved onto L.D.C. report.
Bro. A. Herriett L.D.C. Secretary did start his report by saying that they have asked management to look into early morning cover when the Foreman had not himself arrived, the hours being 04.00 to 05.00 Monday only. Also Bro. D. Nye had reported to the L.D.C. that a duty he had been asked to work did not arrive in time to be scrutinised by a L.D.C. member, so this was being looked into.
A meeting had been asked, but management asked for more items to be listed, so as to be dealt with at our meeting.
Paper trains running on Sundays between Hurst Green and Uckfield. Management said they would inform us of any other movement down that line involving engines.
The L.D.C. did ask that any members who finds that his duty has been altered in any way and find that it has not been scrutinised by this L.D.C. They are not to work the alteration but the original duty.
On the subject of 12 cars stock being worked by Tunbridge Wells West men from Tunbridge Wells to East Grinstead using two drivers. It was felt that the commented of our Sectional Council member Bro. W. Eames (who just arrived.) Bro. Eames did say that management had tried to bring 12 car stock at Slade’s Green to Dartford and back then into sidings. This was then stopped by Sectional Council and if this depot is trying to be pushed into having 12 car referring it back to Bro. R. Lifford.
On the May workings, management are cutting down the amount of men in the Motive Power – Train Crews. If men are surplus at their depots in May, they will be left spare for up to one year and when the minister has given his decision weather to keep the line open or to close it is Sectional Council plan that this depot will close as soon as the re-berthing arrangements have been made. At the last establishment meeting it was the view of the Tunbridge Wells L.D.C. that if management wanted to reduce the establishment down to 40 that L.D.C./S.C were thinking of the future that go for 36 men with 4 taking early retirement. Management in reply wanted 38 men but no spare men at this time Tunbridge Wells West have two starred vacancies pending a feasibility project. Sectional Council had said Bro. W. Eames blown his top because they found that management had been to a meeting over this before pre-scrutiny which the outcome had been deferred to higher management, but of which this management were trying to implement. It is known that higher management think very different from lower management who always think the opposite of higher management. The establishment meeting has now been arranged and Sectional Council would like to suggest to the members and the L.D.C. that management are willing to go above the lines of keeping the members at 38 but worked by 36 men allowing 2 turns to be starred as they are now but only allowing two men to be surplus
Establishment Staff Side Running turns 25, Rest Day Relief 5, Spare 3 & Annual Leave 3 = 36 drivers.
Management Side Running turns 25, Rest Day Relief 6, Spare 3 & Annual Leave 4 = 38 drivers.
The Senior men are as follows
1 Bro. Doplock, 2 Mr. Plummer, 3 Bro. Bridger, 4 Bro. Ashdown, 5 Bro. Asprey
Bro. W. Eames did mention that the L.D.C. with Council had got a meeting to go to over establishment at Tunbridge Wells West it would be wise to give the L.D.C. an indication of what to except, bearing in mind that if you go for a fail to agree, Bro. F. Diplock could be made redundant on ill health grounds and his vacancy advertised (L.D.C. had tried to get 36 me with actual 34 men covering work) and management will still introduce 38 men advertising all other vacancy.
It was then discussed lightly and all agreed to ask the L.D.C. to seek the best formula they can and go for 38 men worked by 36 members as suggested by our Sectional Council member. Proposed by Bro. F. Diplock and seconded Bro. W. Oveden.
Bro. W. Eames then moved on to the discussion on the Eridge – Grove Junction closure, as to date no decision has been made, but he said that even if the decision went against B.R., B.R. would still fight for the depot to be moved.
It has been heard by Council that if stock was to go to Selhurst, men could be booked on at London Bridge or New Cross Gate.
A question was asked on what age did management have to go down to for redundancies. Men down to 62 management response to men on P.T.R.A. if under 62. Men have to apply, this is because normally it is not worth the men taking early retirement under 62.
A question was asked on what would happen to depot if minister was not to give go a head to close line.
If line was not to close, Council thinks that the depot would not close because if the empties stock working involved, until that is had have another berthing and fuelling place for them to go to Selhurst not being able to take them yet.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 15th April 1984 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The L.D.C. report was then next
On establishment this was
Running 25 duties, Rest Day Relief 6, Holiday relief 4 and spares 3 = 8 men.
Redundancy on two men at the depot was still awaiting their redundancy figures.
12 car formation of trains are still with us with conductors in and out of Selhurst. On the question of 12 car trains, the L.D.C. had objected to management, but management gave the L.D.C. one choice work them or the work would go to Norwood depot the Branch Secretary asked the L.D.C. are they progressing through to Sectional Council level. The reply was they were told that Sectional Council did not object when this was mention to them by management. The Secretary then asked the members if the Branch should to Council. The L.D.C. Secretary did mention that it was their view that going to Council they could loose the duties which is not what the L.D.C. wanted. It was suggested that the L.D.C. had excepted 12 Car trains on the assumption that work would disappear from this depot.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 17th February 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
L.D.C. Report
Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that this they had a meeting to go to with Mr. Childs, T.C.M. on Health & Safety. They also have sent a copy of the letter from Bro. R. Harris to Head Office. Sunday claim – please would you forward letter from management for Sectional Council.
On closure of the line, members asked on the position of London Allowance when memvers who decide to with the work and then agree for a 14a move outside the London Area. Do they keep their London Allowance. This position was explained.
On line closure members were urging the L.D.C. to find out all what they can on shuttle service between Tonbridge – Tunbridge Wells Central – identifiable work we should get it also when, if July this yer is the date of line being cut.
On any other business
It was mentioned that this depot do make a Branch Closing badge. The Secretary did mentioned that he would like to see a depot closure badge which involved other member grades not in A.S.L.E.F. and would prefer that badge not be controlled by this branch. It was excepted that a depot badge be taken out of this branch control and left to the Secretary and other to make a depot badge. But it was the feeling of the majority of the memberes at this branch that a Branch badge be made. After a short debate it was proposed by Bro. R. Harris ad seconded by Bro. A. Herriett.
That a badge be made for this branch and for only A.S.L.E.F. members – Tunbridge Wells West Closure.
Motion carried – one against.
It was then debated who was to get these badges.
It was then proposed by Bro. R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. R. Harris.
That one badge only be made for each A.S.L.E.F. members at Tunbridge Wells West Branch except Eastman who worked during the 1982 strike and each badge be numbered and all proofs etc be destroyed.
All in favour.
It was then asked that the Secretary do find out the cost of patterning the badge and cost of numbering each one.
The Secretary then asked the members if they would think of some designs for this badge and submit them to him by the next branch meeting. It was then mentioned that the Secretary invite to our next Branch meeting Bro. J. Davies over closure.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 17th March 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
On badge, it was debate that Bro. R. Harris design be adopted as this branch’s doing badge and the will be subject to colours be made to that design. Proposed by Bro. Harris and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett. That the Tunbridge Wells West Branch of ASLEF closure badge be of the design submitted by Bro. R. Harris. All in favour.
The colours to be submitted by next Branch meeting.
The Chairman then thanked Bro. J. Davies for attending our Branch meeting and the Secretary offered his chair at the table for him to speak from.
Bro. Davies thanked the Branch for inviting him to attend this meeting. He mentioned he enjoyed going around to the Branches to their meetings but now he is on the E.C. he has to have permission from Ray Buckton himself.
On the line closure, he did say he had looked into the files at Head Office were Neil Milligan and Tony Allen report over the line closure, they both attended when the T.U.C.C. held their meeting and the report gave to that committee which was very extensive. The report from the T.U.C.C. was in favour of keeping the line open on hardship. The unions had, had meetings with B.R.B. over depot closures and that the union did not agree with ay depot closures and B.R.B. did not propose to close any but of course Tunbridge Wells is a line closure with a depot along that line to be closed.
Staffing 1985 – 1990.
Another 10,000 to, we have already lost 30,000 in the last 5 years and taken on 25,000 new recruits during the same period. The 10,000 is broken down as same period. The 10,000 is broken down as 2,000 Salaried staff, 1,000 signalmen, 500 level crossing, 3,500 train crew, 1,000 fleet and 2,000 good house keeping.
It was then mentioned about meetings that have neen arranged. A Sectional Council and management. April 3rd notify of closure if any to L.D.C. with Sectional Council in attendance.
On some points on redundancy, management are claiming non mobility allowance to those who wish to take it.
Petrol allowance, if you do not take mobility is for life
On getting men to new areas, Norwood/Victoria re staff trains other than already board.
There was then a question and answer section after which the Chairman thanked Bro. Davies on behalf of the Branch and asked the secretary to write to Head Office with appreciation. This branch wishes to show in allowing Bro. Davies to attend this day.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 21st April 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
at the Welfare Rooms Tunbridge Wells Central Station
The Chairman then moved on to badges.
The Secretary explained that the manufacturer did believe that because of the design being complicated there my be some enamel faults. This the members excepted and asked the Secretary to get in touch with Marks of Distinction and ask them to go ahead with the badge leaving the design to them, but keeping the main items in ie. Shed in the background to stay. Front of both engines to stay, plus the signal gantry. On the numbers to be made, 34 was to be made, the cost to be in the region of £180.00 which means money up front. It was debated and Bro. Andy Herriett said he would put up the whole amount until all members had paid in. the Branch excepted his money with the proviso that he had no claim to any badges left over. It was then debated what’s to happen to any badges left over. It was then decided. That any of the 34 badges is not purchased by the member whom it was made for, these badges be put to one side until all mentioned have made their purchases. These members who decide not to buy when offered will have no claim on them (after a date to be set).
These extra badges to be made up in total by ordering extras to the total of 2 per member who has purchased their first option, these will then be offered to those members any who decline will be destroyed. All in favour.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
May 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
Was held in the Mess Room of
the Driver’s Lobby Tunbridge Wells West
The members then mentioned about badge being made for the Branch closure. The Secretary mentioned that in Fund ‘A’ is money from Head Office and to are this money a miss must be made. It was after some debate that. That £19.00 from Fund ‘A’ be taken from that fund and be used to subserdised the cost of the 35 badges made for this branch. Proposed by Bro. A. Herriett and seconded by Bro. K. Knowles .all in favour.
The Secretary mentioned that he still had Bro. A. Ashdown 1982 Strike Badge. It was debated by the members that this badge be sold to the highest offer and July 1st the closing date.
The lead impression be raffle away the members of Tunbridge Wells Drivers. It was then proposed by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. Luckhurst.
That A. Ashdown’s badge be sold to the highest offer received by July 1st 1985. All in favour.
Also it was proposed by Bro. K. Knowles and seconded by Bro. Luckhurst. That the lead impression be raffled at the depot among the Tunbridge Wells West Drivers. All in favour.
The Secretary then mentioned that there will only be two more full branch meeting and a further meeting to close the meeting and that meeting is set for August 4th but no venue has yet been set. A suggestion was either the British Legion Tonbridge or the Angel Centre.
The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. Business
Bro. A. Herriett mentioned that the L.D.C. had been to several meetings over the closure of the line and was concerned at the safety of the line when July 6th had passed.
It was mentioned that a meeting are to start with members of the Branch with Management and Sectional Council in attendance over redundancy and to mention options that members may want to take.
The Secretary did mentioned that he had been approached by Mr. Hart of the Groombridge Action Group, informing him of a meeting being held to try and keep the line open and wished a member of this branch to attend. It was then proposed by Bro. Herriett and seconded by Bro. R. Luckhurst. That no officer of this branch to attend any meeting or assistant from officers of this branch to any meeting to keep this line open. Motion carried.
On any other business badge again was mentioned and the price debated. The Secretary did say that the cost would be in the region of £160.00 and divided this by 34 would mean a cost of £6.50 per badge less monies on hold, this could be brought down to £4.50 or there about.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 16th June 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
Was held in the Mess Room of
at Tunbridge Wells West Depot
On badges it was asked the approx. cost, this was in the region of £160 divided by 34 is around £6.00 each when V.A.T. and extras have been taken into account. It was agreed that the Branch should find out from the members who wishes to have one of these badges, this the Branch can then arrange if maybe another order. The Secretary did request help on this as he has got to complete all branch work before 21st May 1985.
Bros. R. Simpson and R. Harris said they would ask members on their shift and collect £2.00 for each member for their badge and July 21st will be the closing date for members to exercise their option and after that date we will only entertain those members who have said yes and paid.
L.D.C. Report
The Secretary mentioned that the closure interviews were already completed and that the closure was being monitored by the L.D.C. Next meeting the L.D.C. had got arranged on July 6th on diagrams between July 16th and August 10th.
Health & Safety was held over in the absence of Bro. L. Stephenson.
Under any other business.
Badges, it was requested that the Secretary get in contact with Marks of Distinction with a view of getting everyones pay number put on the back of each badge. This the Secretary said he will do.
The Chairman closed the meeting by reminding members that the next branch meeting is Sunday 21st July will be the last full Branch meeting before holding over to Bro. D. Fullick on August 4th.
Tunbridge Wells Meeting
Sunday 21st July 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
Was held in the Mess Room of
at Tunbridge Wells West Depot
The Finale monthly branch meeting of the Tunbridge Wells West Depot,
was held on July 21st 1985 at 10 a.m,. in the Driver’s mess room at
Tunbridge Wells West Depot.
In attendance were
Bros. R. Harris, A. Herriot, R. Simpson, P. Pepper, R. MacDonald, K. Knowles, C. Barker, J. Carney
and Honorary Member M. Allen
9 members
The Chairman Bro. K. Knowles opened the meeting at 10:10 a.m. and welcomed all for attending this last full branch meeting.
The Secretary Bro. J. Carney, then read the minutes of the June branch meeting after which it was proposed by Bro .A. Herriott & seconded by Bro. R. Simpson that the minutes of the June meeting be taken as a true record. All in favour.
The Chairman then moved on to L.D.C. Report
Bro. A. Herriett then mentioned that due to men having depot visits and interviews. The L.D.C. had not had any meetings since the last Branch meeting but were waiting for a final meeting with management on closure of depot and closing L.D.C. on behalf of members. This meeting will also discuss moving of lockers and bits belonging to members.
The Chairman then thanked the L.D.C. for their work with the representing of the depot and asked members to show a vote of thanks. It was then proposed by Bro. J. Carney and seconded by Bro. P. Pepper. That this Branch meeting wish to thank all the L.D.C. members for all their hard work in the past and with the closure of this Tunbridge Wells West Branch. All in favour.
The members then debated the badges being made for the members. The Secretary had received a proof badge with the colours shown. This was found to be unsatisfactory as some colours were not in correct place after the colours had been correctly given with a view that the Secretary will act swiftly in informing Marks of Distinction of these changes it was found that only two members did not want a closure badge. This meeting being the dead line, these members where Bros. R. Harper and A. Dodwell. It was also mentioned that some confusion had set in to whom should get a badge, those members of Tunbridge Wells West when the badge was decided to be made or those members at the Branch when the depot shuts. The Secretary did mention then, taking into account the members who where at the depot when deciding decision was made and those members who are being made redundant come to 33 members which left two badges over.
It was proposed that men who is to receive a badge be listed and the two others be decided as well.
Bro. A. Herriett then proposed and seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the two spare badges be offered to our honorary members Bros. M. Allen & F. Diplock, these members have both agreed to pay for their badges. All in favour.
It was then proposed by Bro. R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That the list of members below do only get the Tunbridge Wells West Branch Closure Badges.
The Secretary then said he had some items which he wanted the branch members to dispose of
1, lead impression of the 1982 Strike Badge. I twas proposed by Bro. R. MacDonald and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That Bro. I. Bond be given the impression as he designed it. All in favour.
2, Proof colour badge of Closure of Branch. it was proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. R. Harris. That Bro. J. Carney Branch Secretary be given the colour proof badge for all his work with the badge. All in favour.
3, Bro. A. Ashdown 1982 Strike Special badge No.15. It was proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. R. Simpson. That No.15 Strike Badge be given to the late Vic Rumley’s widow from this Branch. All in favour.
The Secretary then mentioned that he had some books which had been purchased by the Branch, some like the old Conditions of Service books had been over taken by new ones, that he has permission to dispose of these as he wishes and all old circulars be destroyed. It was then proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. P. Pepper. That the Secretary has the permission of this branch to destroy or do what he may think fit with all papers and books belonging to the Branch, that he does not have to hand into Head Office August 4th. All agreed except one, Bro. R. Harris.
The Secretary did mention that among his paper work he had files on what has happen o men in posted letter to Branch Secretary etc. This was debated and agreed that all old files not active be destroyed, those still being dealt with be set to new Branch Secretary’s of the members new depot.
Bro. M. Allen then mentioned that the L.D.C. did have a special stamp and he proposed and it was seconded by Bro. J. Carney. That the L.D.C L574 stamp be given to Bro. A. Herriett, L.D.C. Secretary, for all his work with that job. All in favour.
The Chairman then gave mention to members from the past who without them this branch would not be as close as it is.
Members like Bro. A. Brooker L.D.C. Secretary of many years, Bro. F. Diplock Branch Chairman and M.I.C. Instructor whose work for the Branch was valuable and all members who has left the industry and those who passed away. Special thanks was mentioned to the L.D.C. and Branch Officers and present members. The Secretary said he would write to the locomotive Journal a mentioned over the Branch.
The Secretary then said that monies as the table was Political Money £24.86. this the members debated and it was decided that if allowed and the Secretary to ask Bro. D. Fullick for clarification. That the balance left in the Political Fund £24.86 be given be to Bro. M. Allen of Eastbourne Branch to go towards payment of Weekend School arranged with Head Office. All in favour. Proposed by Bro. P. Pepper and seconded by Bro. A. Herriett.
The remainder of the money being £83.67 this the members wished to used to offset against the cost of the Closure Badges. It was then proposed by Bro. M. Allen and seconded by Bro. P. Pepper. That all the money left in the Branch Secretary hands being £83.67 be used to offset the cost the closure badges being made. All in favour.
The Chairman then mentioned that the Secretary had made arrangement to have a handing over meeting at the Angel Centre Tonbridge at 10.00 a.m. on August 4th with Bro. Derrick Fullick in attendance, our District Secretary.
On closing the Secretary said that this branch has been active since April 1906 and had a copy of the Locomotive Journal of the day sent by Hed Office and it mentioned we had started on the same day as Eastbourne. Now we are closing August 1985 – 79 years later.
End of Tunbridge Wells Branch 218
Tunbridge Wells Branch
Handover Meeting
Sunday 4th August 1985 at 10.00 a.m.
Was held in the Angel Centre
Members in attendance
Bros. D. Fullick, K. Knowles, A. Herriett, R. Simpson, L. Stephenson & J. Carney.
On handing over, mention was given to members retiring be given a honary membership card. Branch Secretary has mentioned that he would be attending Head office on Thursday 8th August 1985
Branch books found in good order, accounts cleared and Branch closed by me at 11.00 Sunday 4th August 1985
Derrick Fullick
District Secretary
The last Tunbridge Wells West to Victoria train on the 9th August 1985
Left - Right: Station Cleaner Pete Hawkins, Driver Reg “Nana” Brown and
Station Chargeman Tom Bayliss.
Left ~ Right:
A.S.L.E.F. Branch Secretary John Carney, Pat Pepper, Robin Luckhurst, Fred Crampton,
Vic Hodges Guard, Reg ‘Nana’ Brown, Harold Nutting Guard, Chris Wheeler Guard, Jack Edwards Guard, Stan Austin, Maurice Holmwood (Relief Signalman), Len Austin, Len Simpson, Ken Cavie (T.C.S.) & Dick Sullivan
Steve Webb Collection
Left - Right: Guard Vic Hodges, Guard Jack Edwards, Driver Len Austin,
Maurice Holmwood (Relief Signalman), Driver Fred Crampton, Guard Chris Wheeler, Driver John Carney, Driver Reg ‘Nana’ Brown & Driver Pat Pepper
Tunbridge Wells West after the closure of the railway line autumn 1985