Chairman Bro. R. Taylor

Vice Chairman Bro F. Jenner
Secretary Bro. D. Roberts

 ¼ Meeting March 27th 1977

Commenced 10.45 close 1.00

Members present Bros. S. Tingley, F. Jenner,, D. Roberts, W, Arling, A. Thompson, 

R. Chamberlain & E. Spray.

Minutes of last meeting were read, it was proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. W. Arling that the minutes were a true record.

Correspondence was read out and debated on. The question of travelling by taxis in the execution of our duties was discussed.

It was decided that after collecting information and the general feeling from other branches, that a resolution be forwarded to Head Office for inclusion in next year’s A.A.D.

The suspension of Driver A.W. Morris (Brighton E.M.U.T.) was discussed. It was proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson. That the following resolution be sent to Brighton L.D.C.

“That this Branch uphold the appeal of Driver Arthur Morris in accordance with the request of Brighton L.D.C.

It was decided that the following resolution be sent to Head Office.

“That this Branch instruct A.S.L.E.F. General Secretary in accordance with E.C. report at District Council No.4 to press for the reinstatement of Collective Bargaining within the Trade Union Movement.”

Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlian and seconded by Bro. A. Thompson

L.D.C. Report

Bro. S. Tingley gave his report on L.D.C. matters. These included two speed windscreen wipers and the cleanliness of of shed roads which brought quite a lot of discussion.

The 1978 Annual Leave roster was discussed, it was felt that the agreement to utilize the 1st XXX man to cover 

middle Sunday of a man’s Annual Leave was a step in the right direction.

L.N.E.R. Pension Fund

It was agreed that E.C. member Bro. D. Fullick be asked to attend the next Branch meeting to talk on L.N.E.R. 

pension fund.

Meeting closed 1.00  

¼ Meeting July 31st 1977

Commenced 9.35 close 12.30

Members present Bros. S. Tingley, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, W. Arling, R. Chamberlain 

& E. Spray.

Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed as a true record, proposed by Bro. W. Arling and seconded by Bro. R. Chamberlian.

Correspondence was read and fully discussed.

The question of travelling by taxis was again raised and this point was put to Bro. D. Fullick, E.C. Member when he arrived. He gave his views on this matter and assured the members present that they would be covered in the event of an accident, and should a fatal accident occur, then Head office would take the case up for the deceased’s widow.

It was proposed. That Bro. W. Eames Selhurst Branch should have our vote for the forthcoming Sectional Council ‘B’  election. Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.

L.D.C. Report

The 1978 Annual Leave roster was discussed also cleanliness of shed roads, letters of which had been sent to A.D.M. Brighton.

A strongly would letter had been sent to A.D.M. Brighton, from L.D.C. Secretary over the notice which had been exhibited in the notice case concerning drivers failing to stop at stations which they were supposed to call at and the ensuing disciplinary action.

This was debated on, and the poor edition of the present service book left a lot to be desired.

The new type of free passes to be issued in the future was described by Bro. S. Tingley.

The second half of the meeting was given to E.C. member Bro. D. Fullick who gave a very informative talk on the L.N.E.R. Pension Fund together with its various aspects also the Wages Goods Pension Fund.

Meeting closed 12.30    



 ¼ Meeting October 2nd 1977

Commenced 10.35 close 12.42

Members present Bros. S. Tingley, F. Jenner, R. Taylor, D. Roberts, A. Thompson, D. King, 

R. Chamberlain & W. Arling.

Minutes of last meeting were read,and confirmed as a true record, proposed by Bro. S. Tingley and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.

Correspondence was read and fully discussed.

The question of new free passes was debated on the members present.

Bro. R. Marchant of St. Leonards Branch was nominated as delegate for the 1978 A.A.D. This was proposed by Bro. D. King and seconded by Bro. S. Tingley.

It was proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain seconded by Bro. D. King. That Bro. Hutchings of Horsham Branch receive our vote for the T.U.C. Regional Council 1978/1981.

The 1978 timetable and the alterations to some was discussed in length.

L.D.C. report

Various items were discussed, Station floodlights at Lewes, entering terminal stations on yellow signals to be introduced.

The 1977 Christmas movements were discussed and a resolution be sent to Head Office as follows

“It is unanimously decided at the above Branch that the E.C. of A.S.L.E.F. be instructed to negotiated with the B.R.B. for double time payments for all Bank Holiday Workings plus two days compensatory leave in leu in line with supervisory grades.

Although deferred by A.A.D., members of this brach feel strongly on this subject as do members of other branches in this area.”

Proposed by Bro. R. Chamberlain and seconded by Bro. W. Arling.

The reduction of notifying management from 6 weeks - 2 weeks for taking Compensatory Leave with 2 days was sent 

in a letter to A.D.M. Brighton.

Meeting closed 12.42 

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