Chairman Bro. A. Pearce

Vice Chair Bro. J. Giles 

Secretary Bro F. Wilde

Assistant Secretary Bro. W. Brown

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Jan. 21st 1934

Bro. A. Pearce in the Chair

10 members present 

Bros. A. Pearce, E. Hillman, C. Lower, H. Allison, W. Brown, W. Clarke, E. King, 

F. Wilde, M. Smith & C. Jenner.

Minutes of November meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and second by Bro H. Allison

Bro. Clarke was called upon to give report on meeting with Mr. Urie.

Cleaners 8 hours duty, 2 senior cleaners of each shift to work 8 continuous duty.

Driver Bishop duites on bank Holiday, to prepare engines (boat engines) when not required by Harbour Works.

Tillmanstone coal at this depot, Mr. Urie said he would stop extra allotment of Tillmanstone coal to this depot. 3.0 a.m. Bridges engine not to have this coal.

Class of engine on 3.0 a.m. 3 Bridges turn, as far as possible shedmen to see that C2x engine to work on this turn.

Water spray on coal stage, this matter is being dealt with.

Cleaning of tube plates firebox end, tube plates on Boat Engines to be cleaned by C. Green, tube plates on W.O. Engines to be cleaned by A. Jones.

Bro. Clarke said the N.U.R. Had brought forward the case of holiday months being closed up from April to September. He wanted the decision of this Branch on the matter. Pro. By H. Allison & sec. by C. Lower. That holidays be worked at present excepting for the closing up of the months. 

The Secretary said he had sent 2 tickets for dinner and social at Barton Wilde retirement presentation. After much discussion about member who would like to go and couldn’t it was, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. C. Jenner. That the tickets be returned with the necessary accompanying letter

Receipt for 9/- from P. Collick re Barton Wilde presentation. Chairman remakes on the small amount collected.

Correspondence re S.R. Sectional Council No.2 Election 1934

Letter from Jeans read re Holiday Arrangement for August Holiday period.

Bro. Pearce said as he would soon be leaving the depot, a new Chairman would have to be elected at this meeting.

Bro. Clarke moved a vote of thanks to Bro. Pearce for his services to the Branch in the past and keeping the Branch together. Bro. Allison seconded. Carried.

Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. M. Smith. That Bro. E. Hillman act as Chairman for 1934, not accepted.

Proposed by Bro. W. Brown and seconded by Bro. E. King. That Bro. H. Allison act as Chairman, Carried

Proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. E. King. That Bro. H. Allison be Trades Council delegate in place of Bro. A. Pearce. Bro. Allison refused. After much discussion on this matter Bro. Allison proposed that this matter be left over to the next meeting. 

Proposed by Bro. A. Pearce and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. That Bro. Allison act as delegate to S. D. Council. Carried

Bro M. Smith brought forward complaint re fire-irons on engines at this depot. Bro. Clarke said he would see shedman P. Fenner about this matter on the Monday (22.1.34) morning and if he could get no satisfaction, he would bring the matter up on Tuesday (23.1.34) when he met Mr. Urie.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Feb 18th 1934

Bro. H. Allison in the Chair

6 members present 

Bros. J. Brock, H. Allison, C. Lower, J. Giles  W. Clarke & F. Wilde.

Minutes of january meeting read and accepted as a true record, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. C. Lower.

Matters arising from minutes, much discussion over coal supplied at Newhaven Loco.

Correspondence rear re

Co Op Party Conference, Hunger Marchers Fund, Medical Examinations, Trades Council Report, Co Op receipt (10/-), Southern Council minutes, Letter from new Organiser Secretary, Circulars re Sectional Council matters. Clustrian Fund Delegate.

Other Business

Trades Council Delegate (Not Appointed)

Presentation to Bro. A. Pearce Collection arranged

*Bro. A. Pearce transferred to Three Bridges motormen’s depot and later moved to Brighton motormen’s depot and finally Seaford.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun March 18th 1934

Bro. H. Allison in the Chair

10 members present 

Bros. F. Wilde, H. Allison, W. Brown, J. Brock, W. Clarke, J. Giles, H. Bowden, 

C. Jenner, E. Brooker & E. Eacott.

Minutes of meeting held 18.2.34, read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. W. Clarke and seconded by Bro. J. Giles

Arising from the minutes, much discussion arose over election of delegate to Trades Council. No member present was anxious to table the position so Bro. Wilde said he would attend the next Trades Council meeting, but not in an official capacity. He would in the meantime approach Bro. E. King to see if he would act as delegate for this Branch for 1934.

Letter from Mrs Pargeter, re wreath from this Branch as last token of respect to her late husband, read.

Much discussion arose over G. Bollen arrears, Secretary said that he was marked “lapsed” on quarterly returns, but he was advised to accept money from Bollen if he offered it, but at the same time remind him that he was out of benefit until he had paid right up.

Correspondence re National Wages Board Machinery read and discussed.

Bro. Clarke brought to the notice if the Branch, that coal spray had not as yet been fitted to coal stage and he thought it was time something was done. Bro. H. Allison proposed. That W. Clarke ask for interview with Mr. Urie on this subject, also at same time remind him of the agreement made with Mr. Lelew re equalisation of Sunday work. Sec. W. Brown.

After the business of the Branch a pleasing ceremony took place when our late Secretary Bro. A. Pearce was presented with a barometer on his leaving the depot to take up his duties of Motorman at Three Bridges. Bro. F. Sherwin made the presentation and spoke lightly of our colleagues principles and conscientiousness during his various turns office in this Branch.

Bro. Browning of the N.U.R. Also spoke well of Bro. Pearce qualities.

Bro. Pearce suitably replied and said he was glad to think he was leaving this Branch with many friends and no enemies. He said he had always done his best in everything he attempted.

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun June 24th 1934

Bro. H. Allison in the Chair

6 members present

Bros. W. Brown, H. Allison, F. Wilde, J. Brock, W. Terrill & W. Clarke.

Minutes of March meeting (No meetings April & May) read and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. J. Brock and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke.

Bro. Clarke reported of meeting with Mr. Urie re coal spray for coal stage, and Sunday working. There was much discussion on equalisation of Sunday work again and it was pro. By J. Brock & sec W. Brown. 'That Bro. Clark arrange for another interview with Mr. Urie on this subject.'

Correspondence re 

Abolition of 9 hours roster, District Council meeting, Fascist Violence No. 1&2. Read and discussed.

Bro. Clarke asked our District Council delegate, Bro. Allison to mention that where are still engines running about with no ash-pan cock fitted to them.

Bro. Clarke was asked to bring up the matter re Cleaner being claimed as Fireman to 9.0 p.m. Spare driver, must be claimed only when 5 hrs firing duties are likely. He was asked to find out from Mr. Urie where this ruling accrued. Proposed by Bro. H. Allison and seconded by Bro. W. Clarke. 

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun July 22nd 1934

 8 members present

Bro. H. Allison in the Chair

W. Brown, H. Allison,  J. Brock, W. Clarke, F. Wilde, E. Eacott, J. Giles & Jenner.

Minutes of June meeting read and discussed and passed as a true record.

Arising minutes from the minutes, Bro. Clarke gave report of  meeting with Mr Urie on six subjects, but he said that owing to Mr. Urie only being available for about twenty minutes the business could not be carried out satisfactorily, so he wished someone to propose that another meeting arranged with Mr Urie on these 6 subjects. 

Bro. Giles proposed. 'That Mr. Urie asked for another interview.' W. Brown seconded.

Correspondence re Insurance Section, Nomination for General Secretary, read and discussed.

Bro. Clarke proposed and Bro. Giles. 'That a list be placed in shed for those who wished to contribute, for the widow of  late shunter W. Hills. A part of the will go towards a wreath and remainder to widow.

 Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Sept. 16th 1934

Bro. H. Allison in the Chair

 6 members present

W. Brown, H. Allison, F. Wilde, H. Bowden, J. Giles & E. King.

Minutes of July meeting and discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. J. Giles and seconded by Bro. W. Brown.

Pro. by H. Bowden and sec. by J. Giles. 'That G. Bollen be allowed to pay up all arrears owing, and asked Secretary to write to Head Office and explain circumstances.

Shed Representatives business held over to next meeting owing to Bro. Clarke’s absence (Working).

Minutes of the Newhaven Branch Meeting

held at the Labour Club on Sun Oct. 28th 1934

Bro. H. Allison in the Chair

 7 members present

M. Smith, B. Piddlesden, H. Allison, J. Brock, E. King, W. Clarke & F. Wilde.

Minutes of September meeting read, discussed and passed as a true record, proposed by Bro. E. King and seconded by Bro. B. Peddlesden.

Secretary said G. Bollen had not any payment.

Correspondence read re Fatal accident to Shunter W. Hills from Mr Allen Organising Secretary, T. U. recruitment week, Accident at work

Shed Representative business from previous meeting discussed and pro. M. Smith and sec E. King. 'Letter be written Mr. Urie retesting Bettshanger coal be sent here as instructed by Mr Shoppey, also inadequate firemen at present supplied to engines at Newhaven. Bro. Clarke to urge return from Brighton of agenda.

New business, letter of sympathy to Bro Thompsett from Branch and arrangements for list etc.

Shed drivers to be approached re odd shifts etc during preparing of engine.

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