Established in 1839
The Pension Fund in connection with it was established in 1841
Sir, -- May I ask you to please insert in your valuable paper for the information of the members of the Steam Engineers and Firemen's Society my views as to the future course of the pension fund, the new rules passed at the last conference regulating the contributions to the pension fund, proposed by the King's Cross delegates, nit having been signed by a majority of the branches. We are at a standstill as to what shall be done to keep this fund which in the past has done so much good to its old and disabled members. I will, therefore, put before the members of this Society a plan for keeping it in a solvent state. I propose that a one day conference be called at Manchester at once to make two new rules, one for increasing the contributions at once, by 3s. per quarter, per member, the branch paying 6d. per quarter, per member, this would make 3s. 6d. per quarter per member to the pension fund, or 14s. per year. This increasing the pension members' contributions 8s. per quarter, or 32s. per year would at the present time about put us straight, as near as I can get to know as to the number of members in our Society, with the present expenditure of the Pension Fund. At the same time another rule authorising the general committee whenever expenditure over run the income to increase the contributions to the pension fund 1/2d. per week, per ordinary members' pension members' contribution to remain 32s. per year. This is the only course which can save the pension fund from ruin, and if adopted, it will save the expense of calling another conference, after the one I propose, to settle matters as to the financial condition of the pension fund, which has been so much trouble in the past, and will be in the future if it is not now settled. If this scheme is adopted I cannot see how we can get behind, and I sincerely hope that one and all will respond to this call for so noble an object as providing for the infirm. Look at the number of members who are now, in a great measure dependent upon the fund! I wish the Society every success, and anything I can do to further the objects, I will readily do in the future, as I have done in the past.
Secretary of Swindon Branch
3, College Street, New Swindon, Notts.
30th January, 1898