Established in 1839

The Pension Fund in connection with it was established in 1841




Sir, -- No more evidence in necessary to show that disintegration has set in, and that final collapse is inevitable, than the fact that in the year 1897 the membership decreased by 748, and since the issue of the 1897 balance sheet a still more decided sign of the break up or break down of the Society has taken place in the wholesale session of branches, and while others are on the point of withdrawing, some are clamorous for dissolution. all this could have been averted if proper action had been taken. I have all along maintained that the present scale of contributions is high enough to maintain prosperity and solvency, and still adhere to that opinion. I, being thirty years of age when I joined this precious Society, was compelled to pay an entrance fee thirty shillings and one penny, the benefits being ten shillings a week for twenty six weeks in sickness, half that amount for another similar period, and four shillings per week remainder of sickness. Surely it is not the sick allowance that is the cause of the impoverishment; and as for the Pension Fund benefit, which was the real attraction to enginemen and firemen, the very life and soul, as it were, of the Society, it may be said to be non est. no young enginemen or firemen will join; indeed, they shun doing so. Speaking to a fireman the other day on the question of membership, he said, "I would sooner join a state club that the Old Enginrmn's. In fact, I am a member of one, and only pay 6d. per week for 10s. sick pay, and after deducting expenses of management etc., we shared out 23s. per member at Christmas, leaving a balance of £10 in the hands of the treasurer for ensuing year." Though I don't; believe in slate clubs for various reasons, they are appreciated by thousands, and are certainly far before such as the Old Enginemen's from every practical point of view. up to date reforms can be introduced yet, but if tried by increasing contributions, the end is not far off.

Child's Hill N.W, January 1st, 1899 




At a Committee meeting held on Sunday last it was proposed by T.W. Reeves, seconded by 
J. Harris, and carried. 

"That we, the members of the Hasland Branch Committee, are of opinion that all branches should be made acquainted (by circular from the general office) with the true state of affairs in connection with branch seceding. Although we recognise the humane principles of King's Cross, Child's Hill, and Wolverhampton, yet we see there is a determination of many of the branches to secede rather than to pay the increased contribution. We, feel it is necessary that a one day sitting should be held to settle the question of pensions once and for all; and we be prepared with a scheme to that end, which will make our society as popular as in former years."  




Sir, -- Your correspondent "Devonian" very neatly hit the nail on the head in his diagnosis of the past and present position of the Society. The gist of his observations directly points to the fact that railwaymen posses to many Societies; in fact, are fairly eaten up by them. That this undesirable state of things is at ;act dawning on the minds of all is seen by the efforts that are being made to effect federation with the "Associated," and this could comparatively easily be accomplished were it not for the foolish conduct of the members, generally, and the E.C. in particular. If our delegates -- or the majority of them -- had been withed with any business ability they would long since have taken steps to instruct the members as to the necessity of reorganisation of the financial methods, and the restoration and maintenance of a monetary equilibrium; but nothing evidently was further from their intentions, or they would have long ago profited by the suggestions that have from time to time appeared in the columns of the Press devoted to railway matters. To test the question re-federation with the "Associated," they completely muzzled us by requiring a five sixths majority. Had these magnates honestly meant to give the ghost of a chance to the members to federate, they would have given something like a three fifths majority test. It appears to even the most superficial observer that the delegates who have from time to time met to "voice" the wished off the members, aided by their own judgement and common sense, generally left the latter necessary qualities behind them, as they have undoubtedly always neglected to use them. Before the recent desertions of branches commenced the membership was approximately 9,000, with a capital of £67,000. With proper management, and such a nucleus to operate and fall back on, whence the necessity or the parrot cry of "Wolf, wolf," that has at length caused, and is causing, many of the branches to precipitately retreat? Nothing more was necessary than the transference of a part of the funds now devoted to sick fund purposes, to pension fund purposes. The contributions are ample -- properly managed -- to maintain solvency. nothing, however, I am afraid, can be done now. It is too late in the day. As stated by "Devonian," the Society has been blighted by incompetence, and, like a sickly plant, is destined to disappear. Perhaps it is all for the best, as on the ashes of the old fabric may arise one of a more robust and healthy constitution.

Child's Hill, N.W., January 22nd, 1899 




Sir, -- How to preserve animation in this moribund Society is a moot question that requires serious attention. Drastic, remedial restoratives must be applied to infuse even a moiety of the health and vigour the Society once enjoyed. I am, however, afraid it will from now remain in its present condition to the very end of its existence. It is hard to realise that the Society ever enjoyed sound health, so to speak that financial health that springs from a sympathetic union of all branches composing the Society. Every one of these branches forms, as it were, a complete Society in itself -- i.e., the contributions of the members are deposited in the lock savings bank of the branch district, and used, when required, for branch purposes only; yet, in face of this, the farce is kept up of having a so called headquarters at Manchester where the general secretary and his staff are maintained. Is there another Society in the United Kingdom, or anywhere else, managed on such lines? I certainly think not, nd the sooner it is abolished in the "Old Enginemen's" the better it will be. it is, of course, understood that any branch in financial difficulties will be assisted, and that may appear to give stability and a certain feeling of unity, but it is more apparent than real. To prove this, it is only necessary to reiterate my statement in the previous letter in reference to the recent secession of many of the branches. These branches -- some of which took the lead in point of affluence -- when they fully realised the difficulties, instead of manfully sticking to their guns and working them to a successful issue, or till overwhelmed by defeat, retreated ignominiously, taking their sinews of war (funds) with them -- a standing reflection on those who made such secessions possible by Rule, and we members who have all along tolerated the anomaly.

N.W., Child's Hill, January 12th. 1899.




At a special meeting held on February 19th, the following minute was passed:-

"That in the event of a great number of the Branches proposing to secede, or not signing for the rules adopted at the last Delegate meeting, the General Committee do suspend the putting into operation  of these rules until after the next Delegate meeting, which should be held as early as possible, and that all Delegates representing districts shall visit the Branches in their districts prior to that meeting, with a view of getting the true feeling of the members on the Pension Fund."


Sir, -- The fact that the Society is crumbling is undeniable, and should have foreseen, but, as it is no good to indulge in recriminations, it only remains to set the house in order by re-arranging the furniture -- metaphorically speaking -- that is still left in it. How to secure this desideratum is a question requiring the earnest and prompt consideration of the remains members, and especially the delegates, who, with few exceptions, are undoubtedly the most sensible and level headed of the members, and I trust that, whatever direction their efforts may take, the application of "sensible," as applied to them, will be fully justified. There is certainly no reason why utter collapse should supervene through the "dismemberment" by the secession of branches; all that is wanted is "radical reorganisation." To effect this I would suggest that all branches in the London district -- which may be made to embrace any given radius -- be formed into a society, separate and distinct from the provincial branches. A contribution of 6d. per week should secure 10s. per week for twenty six weeks in sickness, and 5s. per week for the remainder of  sickness. In place of the so called pension fund, a levy could advantageously be made on all members for the benefit of disabled members, or men incapacitated or taken off the footplate from any cause whatsoever, or for being discharged through misadventure, or accident not directly their own fault.  The levy could be so balanced to realise £50 for a driver and £25 for a fireman; and if 6d. was the levied on a driver, 3d. would be the levy on a fireman, when passed as a driver, of course at once coming under the scale of benefits of a driver. Such arrangement giving a lump sum would offer a far better chance to a man than 5s. per week would, besides abolishing the trouble of the ever reoccurring payments accruing from the 5s. per week system. I am sure the above arrangement would prove popular, and an immense all round advantage, bringing the members in closer unity, and by easy and frequent contact concentrating their ideas for universal good.

Child's Hill N.W., February 8th, 1899


25TH MARCH 1899


Sir, -- As a member of this society I would like to (as many other no doubt do) to have the yearly balance sheet in our hands by the end of next month. Generally we do not get it until June, while other kindred societies issue theirs in March. Why there should be this long delay I fail to understand, and have never been able to get to know.

Griffiths Town, February 27th, 1899


8TH APRIL 1899


Sir, -- The necessity for Federation is, I am pleased to say, forcing itself on the notice of our members generally, and on the E.c. in particular. This is a most healthy sign, and must in time produce a lasting and beneficial result. It would have been effected long ago were it not for the element of jealousy that seems part of our nature. The recent method adopted to test by vote the feelings of the member, re Federation with the "Associated" has been recognised as illogical and unsatisfactory, and so another voting paper has been issued from Salford, which, being intelligible, will be doubt elicit expressions that will reflect the true feelings of the member on the question. Personally, I am confident the verdict will be for Federation, for I am sure the men are now fully alive to the folly of the divided policy, which has even fatal to us from every point of view in the past. Assuming then, the majority are in favour of Federation, the next question is: What terms are we going to propose to the "Associated." We cannot expect that society to join with us simply on the basis of a sick benefit scheme only, for there is not doubt that they would require a certain percentage of our members to join them us trade unionists. Certainly, if we are prepared to meet them and they us, in a friendly and sensible spirit, there will be no difficulty in drawing up a scheme that will strengthen and benefit us all round. Indeed, it is perfectly natural for them to require moderate influx into their ranks as trade unionists and this should prove no barrier to success in the efforts for Federation, as the contributions re ridiculously moderate, the benefits substantial, and are moreover, sure to be needed sooner or later


London, March 19th, 1899 


8TH APRIL 1899


Sir, -- In answer to letter signed "Unity is Strength" in your last issue, as a member of the "Associated" of some years standing, I am pleased to red his correspondence on the subject, because I have not yet seen any letters that would give us a brief outline of the policy which the old Society are going to carry out. Over five years ago I attended a joint meeting of the two societies to discuss the Federation question at King's Cross, London, one Sunday. evening. A further joint committee was elected at that meeting, but I have not heard a word of it, since, so readers can see that this question has been under consideration some long ti,e, with the officials of our Societies. Even our Editor of the "Railway Herald" some long time ago in a leading article recommended the combination of the two together if possible. I earnestly hope for the future interests of enginemen and firemen in general that the old Society will get their proposals well forward, and get them before the "Associated" delegate meeting, which comes off in May next, so that we can begin to see a move made in the right direction. I also hope the delegates of my Society will hold out the hand of good fellowship towards the old Enginemen's proposals, and even at a small financial sacrifice, for the sake of unity amongst one of the best grades in our railway service, they will try their utmost to make it a success, so that in the year 1900 the enginemen and firemen of the United Kingdom will be on the right road to have as good a Society as will be found, is the earnest wish of one whose ambition is to be an engine driver, and has the interest of the footplate fraternity at heart.

Stratford, E., April 8th, 1899


29TH APRIL 1899


Sir, -- I have been thinking over the letter of "Unity Strength," in the "Herald" of April 8th, 1899, and I am of his way of thinking. But the Associated is a society that w are quite ignorant about here. When the vote was taken for federation I made inquiries about it, but all I could learn was that the contributions were higher than ours, and that all the men were to vote against federation. It occurs to me that if "Unity is Strength" could oblige either a few of the constitution of the Associated, he might promote the cause of Federation.

Macduff, N.B., April 22nd, 1899 


6TH MAY 1899


Dear Sir, -- In reference to your correspondent "Inquirer" who has been told the contributions to the "Associated" were higher than in the "Old Enginemen's," from 30 to 35 years of age are £1 10s. Entrance fee to "Associated at the same age, 7s. 6d. Contributions per fortnight to "Old Enginemen's," is 2s. 4d.; to "Associated," 2s. Allowance in sickness, "Old Enginemen's" -- under old rule (which, I fancy, has now been reduced to 26 weeks) -- 10s. per week for 52 weeks; 5s. per week for remainder of sickness. Allowance in "Associated," 10s. per week for 26 weeks; remainder of sickness, 6s. per week; if by accident, 5s. to 7s. per week; by old age, if ten years a member, 5s. per week; by old age, if 15 years a member, 6s. per week; by old age, if twenty years a member, 7s. 6d. per week. Men incapacitated -- members of the "Old Enginemen's" -- from following their employment on the footplate, and, who are not earning more than 20s. per week, are supposed to be entitled to 5s. per week -- I, say "supposed" advisedly, for even this allowance is in a shaky condition, and likely to be snatched away at any time. In addition to the above benefits for 1s. per week, the "Associated" give trade union benefits, viz., out of work, 12 weeks longer, 6s. per week. Legal Defence. Incapacitation by accident on duty, if 18 months a member, £20. In cases of dispute, if withdrawn from employment, 12s. per week, and 2s. for each child under fourteen. If a delegate is discharged, £100, and 15s. per week for twelve months, if out of employment. If a delegate is reduced, former wages to be made good until restored. Allowance to members whilst suspended 18s. per week. Unjust fines refunded. These are not all the benefits, but space forbids more.

London, N.W., 30th April, 1899


13TH MAY 1899


Sir, -- Kindly allow me to state I made a mistake in my letter in your issue of the 6th inst. This was done in making a comparative statements of benefits respectively obtaining from the above society and the "Associated" for the information of your correspondent "Inquirer." The contribution, as stated, per fortnight, to the "Associated" is 2s.; that is, 13s. per quarter of thirteen weeks. The contribution to the "Old Enginemen's" per fortnight is, roughly, 1s. 5d., or, strictly speaking 9s. 1d. per quarter. Taking all the benefits into consideration it will, I think, plainly appear that the "Associated" gives more substantial benefits for the amount of contribution paid than does the "Old Enginemen's." Of course, I have only given a sketch of the "comparative" benefits, chiefly controlled by age when joining. The Benevolent Fund of the Associated is the very best thing ever associated with enginemen's help societies. It is purely voluntary, but a man must have been a member three years to entitle him to full benefit of, say, £39. Up to three years these contributions and benefits are graduated. It is controlled by levy; a levy per member of 4d. is the highest that is made for the benefit of an incapacitated full benefit member. There is, however, one glaring in connection with this benefit, namely, its benefits are not allowed for "incapacitation" though failing health. Many men are thus taken annually off the footplate with no chance of ever getting back to it, and are either discharged, or offered a miserable pittance at some labouring occupation, but they ate, nevertheless, cut off from this fund. It is nothing less than a scandal and a reflection on the common sense of the members, and the sooner it is altered the better.

London, N.W., 7th May 1899 


27TH MAY 1899


Sir, -- I have read letters appearing in your valuable "Herald" on the above society. Would either "Unity" of "Devonian" tell me of the two schemes proposed, the Orphan Fund and the amalgamation with the worn out  Old Engninemen's Society, are likely to carried out, and, if so, what effect it would have in question of finance on the Associated Society in the coming years?



Sir, -- The usually well informed correspondent, "Unity is Strength," in your last issue, when dealing with the above overlooked the fact that this fund was only formed for relieving such members as lost their situations through misadventure, and also for the widows and orphans of deceased members. The matters of sickness is dealt with by its special benefits, and were this fund called on to meet such cases as the writer mentions, the strain would b felt too severely by the members. With your permission I would further add that it was hoped on its starting that members in sufficient numbers would join it, so as to bring the grant of £50, but it has not yet reached that amount. In five months of this year the members have paid twenty four calls; therefore, still to increase its benefits as "Unity" proposed would only, make the benefit comparatively valueless.

Newton Abbot, 18th May, 1899


3RD JUNE 1899


Sir, -- Much has been said at various times, and many letters have appeared in the journals devoted to railway interests, on the above society, with comparatively poor results. However, the old saying, "cast your bread on the waters," etc., is being verified in this case, and the "house" seems to have a chance of being put in order. In fact, the "loose screw" has at last been located, and due attention to it will undoubtedly result in the abolition of the friction. A conference was held in the Liberal and Radical Club, Caledonian Road, King's Cross, on Sunday, 28th May, of all the branches of the "Old Enginemen's" Society in and around London, re amalgamation with the Associated. The meeting was addressed by the delegates, who were recently appointed to deal with the question, also by Newport delegate. The delegates of both societies, it appears, met, and were most anxious to effect an equitable scheme of amalgamation, which it is due to Mr. Sunter to say he appeared most anxious to bring about. There are, of course, pros and cons in the matter, which space forbids me dealing with in this letter, but, with a little mutual concession, these will be easily overcome. On the other hand, the general secretary of the "Old Enginemen's," also the treasurer, display a decidedly stiff neck to any scheme of amalgamation, throwing every obstacle in the way they can, and it is done in a way which elicited the severest criticism of the meeting. There was a consensus of opinion that amalgamation from an all round point of view was an absolute necessity. A resolution was passed requiring the sub committee to forward the particulars and result of the meeting to the press, especially the railway journals, and this duty will no doubt be carried out.

London, N.W., 29th May, 1899


10TH JUNE 1899


A mass meeting of member of the above Society of the branches in and around London was held on Sunday, May 28th, at the Liberal and Radical Club, 314, Caledonian Road, King's Cross, and was largely attended. The meeting was called to hear the report of the delegated who attended at Leeds to meet the representatives of the Associated Society of Engineers and Firemen. Amongst the speakers was an old friend, Mr. John Clements, of Newport, and he having been chairman of the joint conference at Leeds, was listening to with the greatest of attention. He said that he had never attended a meeting with such a good heart as the one attended at Leeds at the joint conference, because he thought that if it ws possible to bring about a union of the two societies it would be a grand thing for enginemen, but he could only sanction the union on the grounds of a fair and equitable basis, one that had been proposed at Leeds by the members of the Locomotive Steam Enginemen's and Firemen's Friendly Society. He also gave in his speech a remarkable history of the old Society. other speakers followed, viz., Mr. Wray, Mr. Roper, and Gwynn, all delegates to the conference. At some parts of the proceedings the action of the general committee of the Society was severely criticised, as it was pointed out that a part of the proposals read that  vote of the members should not be taken till after the next delegate meeting of the old Society, and in the face of that proposal the G.C. had issued a voting paper simply stating the proposals of the Associated, giving no explanation, and asking for the members to vote. "Shame" and "Scandalous" were remarks heard in the body of the hall.After several questions had been asked by members, the following resolution was unanimously carried: "That after hearing the report of the delegates to the conference with the executive of the Associated Society of Engineers and Firemen, we the members of the branches in the whole of the London district absolutely refuse to sign the voting paper issued by the G.C., and, further, ask that a copy of the printed minutes of the conference be issued to the whole members, accompanied by a voting paper, containing the proposals of the representatives of both societies, to vote thereon." Several members in the hall wished that all members could have been present and heard that resolution, and so that all members should know, it was decided to respectfully ask the railwaymen's Press to publish this report, calling, on the members of other branches to take a similar action, and so call the G.C. to its proper senses.




Sir, -- I am the pleased at the interest and kindly feeling evinced in the letter of a  "M.R. Firemen" in your last issue, which I recuperate with pleasure. Of the orphan fund little needs be written, but by your courtesy I would say that a limited number of members advocating it must or should know that no sound society now in existence would venture to start such a costly undertaking. but the majority consider what its growing burden would add to them, and therefore are opposed to it. On the question of amalgamation we are at once in the arena of discussional difficulty. In the matter of the old society we have to deal with one which was brought into existence as early as early as 1839. Ushered into being full promise, with the door of opportunity open wide to them, they failed to grasp the true principles of unity. Like children playing in the sun they took it only for their toy, and when their winter of need came, experience, which should have nourished capabilities and spurred them on to measures of reform, was wanting, and out of the vocabulary of ifs, buts, and can't, their chapter of failure has been built. Their financial state is one of grave embarrassment; to the end of last year about twenty of their most influential branches seceded, with 2,711 members, taking with them £28,685 2s. 0 1/2d. This is a serious item, but when we consider that in the same year there was a deficit of £8,027 5s. 0 1/2d., it spells ruin and disaster. To expect our society to saddle itself with such a liability would be beyond reason. Therefore our executive council have proposed terms by which steps might be taken; they ask the old society to clear off the liability of its unfortunate tensioned members The opinions of our members are much divided; there are those who think the bringing together of both would give stability. Others are in favour of having an interest by being in both societies, but the younger members, whilst remaining unaffected by zeal or interest, calmly consider the strain they will have to bear in the coming years. In conclusion, I would say that no hasty steps will be taken in the matter it being assured that our Society will well weigh the problems before them, as we carry a burden of responsibilities which can only be borne with patience and care.

Newton Abbot, 26th May, 1899


224TH JUNE 1899


Sir, -- By your kind permission I will reply to "Devonian's" letter in your last issue. He says about 20 of their most influential branches seceded. it must have been through ill influence, otherwise they would not have lost so many members. I refer him especially to Leeds, which branch lost 131 meters from the end of 1881 to the end of 1897; their average worth per member in 1881 was £9 0s. 1d., at the end of 1897 £13 6s. 7d. It is said history repeats itself, and I cannot see why it should not be so in the case of our Old Society, now close on sixty years old. In the year 1881 there were 65 branches in the society, with 8,835 members; there were only six branches which showed a decrease in capital, and that was very slight, but there was the enormous increase of £3,271. At that time the contributions to the pension fund did not meet the expenditure of that fund by some hundreds of pounds. I admit rat was the time we ought to have straightened matters. Since that time our surplus capital has been in doing good to our unfortunate members, and we have not had to borrow of anyone yet. "Devonian" states the amount the branches have taken with them, but he was careful to omit that they had taken about 100 pensioned members with them, which is a large order for twenty branches, and without a doubt there are very few young members in the branches which have seceded, seeing so few have joined in recent years. It is to be hoped they have good pilots. I was always under the impression our society was friendly one, but seeing many of the branches had much above the average worth per member of the society, it points in a great measure to selfishness, for I have not heard tell of any of those branches inviting for Doncaster, and a few more I could mention, to secede with them, and I call on you who call yourselves trade unionists of both the A.S.R.S. and A.S.L.E. & F. to review your past actions as to how you voted when the papers for secession were offered you -- have you done a manly action? Is it consistent with what you profess? After these transactions, I fail to see where the unity comes in. 

This is the opinion of 
Hasland, 10th June, 1899


22ND JULY 1899



Sir, -- With regard to the present position of the "Old Enginemen's Society," much of the trouble has arisen through the badly balanced state of the finances. Thus, while the funds devoted to sick benefit purposes have been more than sufficient, those devoted to the pension fund have been inadequate to the strain put on them. In short, the constitution of the society has always been in a wretched condition, and a little extra strain has caused it -- like the weak link of an otherwise strong chain -- to completely collapse; through final touch of disintegration was given by the ignoble retreat of some of richest branches, who, of course, took their funds with them. Had the society been built otherwise than on "sand," this would not have been allowed. As there is an utter lack of cohesion in the integral constitution of the society, the beat course is (1) dissolve the society, and (2) arrange an equitable federation with the "Associated." A three fifth's majority vote, will, at any time, decide, in a fair way, all questions the members are asked to decide; while a five sixth vote is an utter absurdity, that surely could only have emanated from the none too fertile brains of the dead heads whose effort would appear to concentrated on the preservation of their position in connection with the society. There is no obstacle to Federation with the "Associated" that cannot easily be swept aside by the use of a little common sense on the part of the delegates of both societies deputed to deal with the question. Let the "Associated's" terms be fair and honourable, and let them remember that we are not in the position of suppliants prepared to accept any terms, but recognise in the Old Enginemen's a "force" with a "shot in the locker," and are honestly prepared to untie with them on honourable and all round fair terms, and that such an union must prove advantageous in every way to all.

Child's Hill, N.W., 18th June 1899



 A.S.L.E. & F. 

Sir, -- On behalf of myself and fellow members of the above, allow me a small space in your valuable paper to give little forecast of what I hear is to take place at our coming delegates meeting. In the first place Mr. Sunters party is going to oppose might and main the election of an organising secretaries. But in case the delegates are too strong for them in favour of having one, the leader of the party is to try to get the delegates to elect an executive committee, composed of members of Leeds branches, under the guise that it will be less expensive than a representative committee. When I joined this society I was of opinion it was to form a universal brotherhood of loco. enginemen and firemen, and was to be against all clique or clan. But, alas, the clannish and selfish element is in full swing. If the delegates at the coming delegates' meeting allow Mr. Sunter and these wirepullers to play the game of bluff on them as they have at past delegate meetings of vital importance of the society, we might shut our doors at once, and make it into a sick and burial society, and get Kruger to be president. Or, perhaps, out of feeling for the little fakes that have been played on us under the guise of economy, we might rename our society the Antediluvian Society of Leeds Economisers and Fakers,  and give Mr. Sunter, our twenty years behind the times secretary, full control.


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